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She's amazing

Odd marks, Luke thinks

I don't remember bumping my knee anywhere, Luke thinks

How did I get this giant bruise? Luke wonders

I have soulmate, Luke learns

Luke would give everything he owned to know who his soulmate was. The fact that Luke even had one helped him calm down in his worst moods

Luke is 17, only learning now from his mother what a soulmate was

"Whenever you've gotten random bruises or cuts on you, it is your soulmate, they're hurt and that bruise is from them. When you get that nauseous gut feeling that something is wrong, there is something going wrong with your soulmate, you can see no colour yet, only black and white, but when you first kiss your soulmate, you will see colour and when you touch them, the marks will go away" Luke's mom explains

It is almost a month later and Luke is laying in his room reading a book when he suddenly feels pressure on his arms

Luke is terrified as he sees angry red lines appearing on his arms. Luke knows what is happening but there is no way to stop it.

Luke starts crying. Knowing his soulmate is sad

The cuts get deeper and deeper and Luke is screaming, horrified of what is happening

"MOM MOM HELP PLEASE" Luke cries out

Luke's mom rushes in seeing the angry red lines appearing on her sons arms with every passing second, Luke is still screaming, but then it all stops

A month passes and Luke still only sees black and white, there are no more marks, there is no more sickening gut feelings, but that scares Luke. What if something happened to his soulmate

Michael is in the hospital, ready to be discharged, Michael's mom shakes her her head and rolls her eyes at him, displeased with what Michael has done to himself

Michael knows about soulmates but does not think he has one as he has not had any marks on his since he was small, and does not get any gut feelings. But his world is black and white still

Michael waits in the car for his mother as she signs papers and talks with Michael's doctor.

Michael looks down at his wrists and starts crying, mentally beating himself for doing this.

Michael's mom is mad at him. She does not ask Michael what is wrong, she is only worried about paying Michael's hospital bills

Michael's mother gets in the car slamming the door shut as they drive off

Luke sits at the dinner table at home, eating dinner with his family, but he isn't hungry

"Honey, I know you're worried, but you need to eat" Luke's mother says

Luke ignores her request and excuses himself from the table, slipping on his shoes and a sweater as he goes to take a walk

Luke walks himself to a nearby park, the sun has set over the horizon and the dark of the night has flooded what used to be a beautiful crystal clear blue, but Luke does not mind at all he quite likes it

Luke sits on a swing and starts swinging a bit allowing himself to zone out until he feels a pair of hands on him

The pair of hands wrap around Luke's neck tightly, in an almost choking manner

Michael was at home sitting on the couch when he gets the feeling he has not for a while, the sickening feeling, and suddenly Michael's breath is becoming shallow as he chokes to catch his breath

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