s i x t e e n

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long time no see. sorry.

A small squeak erupts from Michael's throat, his hand shaking as he holds his phone against his ear, his boyfriend attempting to calm him down from the other end

Another crack of thunder and strike of lightning makes Michael jump and whimper as he shoves his entire body under the covers of his bed

"Lukey make it stop" he whimpers again

He had always tried to convince Luke that he wasn't scared of anything but when they were out shopping together once and a loud boom of thunder was heard, Michael jumped, knocking over boxes of self-inflating rubber rafts as one opened and inflated on top of a shaking Michael, and well, that kinda gave him away. Luke had tried so hard not to laugh that day

"It's okay Mikey, it'll be over soon it'll pass" he whispered tiredly, it was 1am and Luke was exhausted but Michael couldn't be more awake

Luke continued to whisper soothing things into Michael's ear until he was almost asleep and Michael couldn't understand what he was saying anymore

"Go to sleep Lukey, I'll be okay now, get some sleep," he said, and whispered an 'i love you' and 'good bye' before hanging up

Luke tossed and turned and as tired as he was, he couldn't sleep, because even though Michael had said he would be okay, his voice had still been shaky, and the thought of Michael cuddling under the covers, scared and whimpering was stuck in his head

He pulled himself out of bed and threw on a big t-shirt over his grey sweatpants, putting on a jacket and his vans before heading out the door

He drove just down the road in the pouring rain to Tim Horton's and got Michael a frozen lemonade, since Michael didn't like coffee, himself a coffee and a big box of chocolate timbits for them to share

As he went through the drive through, his eyes continued to try to close and he was almost asleep until the car behind him honked loudly and he received a middle finger from the driver

As he got to the window, his friend Ashton, who worked night shifts, opened the window, handing Luke his stuff as he smiled

"Is that everything Lucas?" He smirked

"Actually, could you pour a cup of ice water over my head?" Luke slurred tiredly and Ashton laughed as he handed Luke his coffee and told him to go home and get some sleep

Luke put-probably too much- sugar in his coffee, before taking a drink, the hot drink burning his throat, waking him up as he continued driving to Michael's house

Michael was still lying in his bed, his eyes wide as the thunder seemed to get louder with every passing second

He shook as he gripped onto the sheets, his eyes widening as he heard a loud and frantic knock on the door

He pulled himself out of his bed, keeping the covers across him as he picked up the closest thing he could use as a weapon, a pool noodle

He trudged down the stairs cautiously and looked through the peep hole, seeing someone with a black jacket on, the hood covering their face

'Holy shit it's the grim reeper I'm gonna die' was his first thought

He opened the door, immediately hitting the figure repeatedly with the pool noodle as the person reached out, grabbing the pool noodle out of Michaels hand before violently throwing it into a nearby bush

"Fucks sake Mikey why do you always do that?" Luke grumbled, pulling his hood down and stepping in

"You scared me, I looked through the peep hole and just saw someone in all black with the hood covering their face, I thought you were the grim reeper" Michael said as Luke looked at him in disbelief before chuckling

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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