A Bit of Info

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Hello! You can call me Barbie. Thank you for deciding to read my first published Ninjago fanfiction!

All rights go to the creators of Ninjago, which of course I am not one of them.

This is a reader-insert fanfiction. I'm sure you know what that is, but just in case you do not, I will explain it for you. A reader-insert is fanfiction is a fanfiction in which the reader themself is in the story. Wherever you see an abbreviation key such as "Y/N," you will insert your own name or a characteristic of yourself that fits into that key. So if it says "I looked into her E/C eyes," you will insert your eye color into "E/C." I hope this explanation made sense. Please enjoy!

Here are some important keys:

A/N = Author's Note
Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
F/C = Favorite Color                                     
E/C = Eye Color

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