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Before Izuku and Jon went their separate ways, they wished each other good luck. Izuku also wished Bakugou good luck, but Bakugou scoffed and said that he didn't need any luck because he would show those extras what it's like to be a hero.

Jon didn't mind being called an extra since Damian has called him way worse.

When Jon got to the front of his battle center, he was so nervous so he decided to move around to help ease his mind. He wasn't looking where he was going so he bumped into someone. A girl to be exact, the girl has pink skin, with yellow eyes and black irises.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going" he quickly apologized.

She smiled at him and said " It's ok, it seems like you are pretty nervous"

"Yeah" Jon scratched the back of his neck as he blushed in embarrassment. 

"Aww, you are so cute" she said with a huge smile on her face.

"Excuse me" Jon was very confused with this female in front of him.

"I'm Mina Ashido, nice to meet you" she said signifying a handshake.

Jon shook her hand and said "I'm Jonathan Kent, but you can call me Jon, nice to meet you too" 


"Okay, start" the loud voice of Present Mic rang through the air.  Both Jon and the pink-skinned girl looked up, along with everyone else. "What's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights. Run, run. The die has been cast you know!"

Jon began to float and he looked at the girl and smiled "Good luck" he said before using his super speed. The girl behind looked in awe. "Wow!" she said as she began to run. 

Jon used his x-ray vision to check around for robots. He saw some robots behind some buildings and charged towards the robots. Unfortunately, some other Examinees had also spotted the robots and one of them was about to get hurt by a robot. 

Jon automatically rushed to the rescue and landed on the robot crushing it in the process. It was a blonde boy with a black lightning streak on the left side of his hair. 

"Wow, you saved me, thanks buddy" the boy said.

"Are you alright?" Jon asked.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Good to know, see ya" Jon flew away with high speed again. 'I've wasted some time now, I need to hurry up' he thought.

Jon spotted another batch of robots and there was no one there. Jon quickly flew to the location and began to destroy the robots. He used his heat vision to destroy one of the robots, then he ripped the arm of another robot and used it to destroy other robots. Soon he cleared that area of robots "That's twenty-five points" he said before flying to find another batch of robots. 


" In this practical exam, the examinees have not been informed of the number of villains or their locations. They have a limited amount of time in a vast area. They have to draw the villains from out there. Information gathering ability to understand the situation before anybody else. Mobility can be used in many different circumstances. Discernment to be able to stay calm in ant situation. And pure combat ability." A voice said, looking at screens showing the performance of the Examinees. This voice belongs to the principal of the school, Nezu. "These basic abilities needed to keep the peace in the streets are turned into points in this test. Doesn't this year group look promising?"

" Well, we can't know for sure yet." Another voice said. "Their true test is still yet to come." he said pushing a button.


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