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I'm amazed as crystal clear bubbles float in front of me, making their way to the surface where they dissappear. In front of me lies the ship, masts intertwined as though they were skeletons holding hands. I approach it and after not much search, I find what I'm looking for.
It's a box, not that long. It has a slight grey color, like someone had poured wet concrete over it. I get closer and I'm about to pry it open with the knife I always keep in my gear, when suddenly behind me, I hear a..................

"Lillian!" a voice broke into her thoughts. You could tell that voice was really pissed.

"Ms. Watson?" she answered looking up with wide innocent eyes at her teacher.

"You are to see me after this lesson" that was all she said and walked away.

"Now class, your assignment will be to write a report on a someone who has affected your life in a positive way ............" her teachers voice drifted like smoke as her mind travelled back to her next work, which she was certain she would have to implement her new underwater theme. However, she still had to see Ms. Watson after class.

"Uh oh, this is not going to be good......." she thought.

"I'm really sorry Ms. Watson, I know I was distracted again but........ I promise it won't happen ever again...... please don't tell my mom" she spilled as soon as they got into the hall after class, not giving her teacher a chance to talk.

"Lillian, I actually wasn't going to talk about that. What I was going to say was that it's not the first time I've noticed you doodling away in my class...... but that's not my point. How would you like to share your gift?"

"Share my gift?"she asked, narrowing her eyes and trying to understand what she was aiming at. Where she was coming from was totally understandable but where she was heading with this issue was rather confusing.

"I want to give an opportunity to show people what you can do. Your an amazing artist Lillian. The Easter play needs a background designer."

"So..... I design the plays background for the scenes? All by myself?"

"Well yes but you will have plenty of assistance........ so what do you say Lillian?"


There was no way Lillian could have refused the offer, not in a million years. Ms. Watson had assured her that she would put in a word for her to the play manager, Mrs. Patricia who was also the art mistress. She was tall and skinny with caramel-coloured  smooth skin. She had jet-black hair which fell past her shoulders.

She was also Lillian's favourite teacher as art was her favourite subject. She cared about nothing else in the world but art, art, art, art, art, and art. She lived and breathed in art. This was one of the reasons why school didn't intrest her and she was as slack as a prostitutes elastic when it came to anything regarding school work. She wanted to become an artist which was against the will of her parents, her mother that is. That's why she didnt talk about her interest all that much at home.

And this was where it really started for her. This was how she realized her potential and decided not to let anyone stop her from doing what she loved to do the most.

Ten year-old Lillian Wright was a smart, kind, caring and inquisitive girl. She was fair and tall. She had dark brown hair which went together perfectly with her warm tobacco brown eyes. She was a sixth-grader at Greenville Middle School.

Lillian lived with her eight year-old sister Michelle and her mother, Susan. She worked in Greeenville's maternity clinic, making enough money to support her two kids. That is all one needed to know about the Wrights. And everything else will be revealed later.............


Yeah. Guys, so here it is..... The first part of my first book. Took me two weeks( and basically a month after I unpublished it for editing) to write that up and I really hope you guys like it.........✌👍😃😄
I really want to know what you guys think about my book, it kind of inspires me to keep writing. So please please please please please and please don't forget to leave a comment about what you guys like or don't like about it.

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