Chapter one

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Okay guys here is the very first chapter of Imperfect-ish! 👏👏👍😆
I've probably re-written this chapter three times! But I know you guys are going to love it.
At this point I want to mention that every name in this book, person or place, is purely coincidental and everything is based on my imagination.
Please don't forget to vote, comment and also share this story.
Enjoy your reading! 😜😃👍.



"So Emma, how was school today?" Mom asked whilst setting a bowl of mashed potatoes on the table for dinner. The girls had started high school not long ago. Lillian was a sophomore and Michelle was right behind in 10th grade, even though there was a two year difference between them, Michelle was brilliant. Lillian was smart too though, however she still was not interested in school.

"Not bad. I went for piano tryouts and I got in. We have our first performance in about three weeks. I can't wait!" Michelle  beamed as she talked, even her eyes shone as she spoke.

She was very talented. She could play the piano, clarinet and the violin very well. She also spoke French, Spanish and German almost as fluently as she spoke English. Their mother had paid for all sorts of tutors for her to master all these arts. Lillian however showed no interest in all these and had told her mom that she wanted to stick to one thing. Her mom had shook her head in disapproval as well as disappointment but didn't take the matter any further. She honestly didn't want to bother herself about Lillian so much.

"Wow! Honey that's amazing, I am so proud of you....." Mom smiled and nodded as she talked. Then glancing at Lillian, she asked....

"And how about you Miss?"

She looked up from staring at her plate, which she had been looking at as if she had never seen it before.

"Fine. Thanks." she muttered

"Good" she returned

Lillian returned her gaze to her plate. She wondered why her mom didn't care about her like she did for Michelle. Lillian didn't think she did at all. She was the eldest and thought she deserved a little....... attention from her parents. Why was Michelle so special? she usually wondered.

"So sweetie what do you think about high school so far......" mom asked, looking in Michelle's direction. Conversation between both of them ensued for a while before they stopped and enjoyed their meal in silence.

The girls lived with their mother and didn't know much about their father . Their mother refused to talk about him and the girls never pressed because anytime the topic of him was raised, their mother became upset.

After dinner Michelle dropped her cutlery, pushed her chair back with her legs and walked out of the kitchen. Mom also stood up  and was about to leave when Lillian asked,

"Where are you guys going? Whose gonna tidy the kitchen?"

Mom looked around, slightly confused  and replied

"Well you of course. I mean who else, Michelle has gone upstairs to finish her homework. And I'm absolutely exhausted.... so you're doing it. Do you have a problem with that Lillian?"

Lillian stood and stared at the woman she called her mother. She didn't reply, just stood there kind of defeated. She couldn't argue with her mother and she knew that. She shook her head in reply  and her mother walked off.

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