Chapter 2

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Jimin was closing up shop when his friend Hoseok called. He answered and started heading towards his car.


"Hi Chim. What'cha doing?"

"Just closed up shop. What about you?"

"I just got home from work too. I wanted to asked if you had any plans tomorrow."

"Not really. I was just going to chill at home and maybe have Y/N over."

"I still can't believe you have a partner."

"Me neither."

"So, no plans?"

"Nope." Jimin puts the phone on speaker and buckles his seat belt.

"So would you want to go on a double date tomorrow?"

"Sure, what time?"

"Probably around 2 or 3."

"Yeah, sure. That's sounds good, I'll tell Y/N."

"Okat then, I'll pick you guys up tomorrow. Bye Chim."

"Bye Hyung."

Jimin hung up and drove home. Once he arrived, he sent a text message to his partner.


Hey Y/N

Hi Jimin
What r u doing
up so late

Just got home from
Had a long shift

Oh ok
Have u eaten yet

Not yet
I'm gonna take a
shower first

Ok then
I'll let u do that

Ok bye

Seen 12:07 PM


By the time Jimin was done showering, it was already 1 in the morning. He figured he shouldn't eat this late and had a quick glass of water so his stomach wasn't empty.

He then dried his hair, brushed his teeth, quickly washed his face and headed off to sleep. He forgot to tell Y/N about the double date. So he whipped out his phone.


I forgot to mention
that Hobi hyung
wants to go on a
double date tmr

U there?


He figured they had gone to sleep already, so he called them to see if they were actually asleep.


Y/N was on the couch watching a movie when their phone started ringing. It had been blowing up with messages but decided to ignore it.

They saw the caller ID and panicked.

Call from Jimin
Answer or Decline
Call declined

Y/N sighed in relief until someone else entered the room. They had a bowl of chips and sat down next to them.

"Who was that babe?"

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