Chapter 9

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"I have seen you around here but I've never actually learned your name." Taehyung chuckles.

"Same here. You all looked so busy that I didn't want to be a bother."

"Well I'm glad I know your name now." Taehyung smiles.

"Me too." Jimin responds with a smile of his own.

They stay in a comfortable silence until Taehyung's name is called.

Jimin and Taehyung turn to see another employee waving at them. He calls for Taehyung and signals to something before walking away.

Taehyung faces Jimin again before lightly laughing.

"Looks like they need me. So I guess I'll get going now." Taehyung heads towards the employee before turning around. "It was nice meeting you Jimin!" He waves while he walks away.

"You too Taehyung!" Jimin waves back and then went on with his shopping.

Once Jimin was done getting groceries, he made his way towards the register. The cashier was the same employee from before.

They share a glance and smile. The cashier looks at the register screen before calling out the price.

Jimin looks into his wallet and takes out his card to pay. He finishes paying and heads on his way out until he trips over his foot and falls face forward.

Taehyung walks over and helps Jimin up. "You okay? Looked like it hurt."

"I'm fine, thank you. Have a nice day!" Jimin waves and quickly leaves.

Jin watches Jimin leave and chuckles once he's out of site.

"He never changes does he?" He smiles and waits at his register. Taehyung looks at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"That guy is always falling or tripping over himself. He's quite clumsy."


"Yup. Quite like your boyfriend's friend." Jin grins amusingly.

Taehyung's face flushes as he furrows his eyebrows. "Jungkook isn't my boyfriend. He has a partner."

"How'd you know I was referring to Jungkook? Does this mean you like him?" Jin teases.

"No I don't! He's just my friend." Taehyung crosses his arms.

"Yes, but you want him to be more than just your friend correct?"

"No. I don't know where you're getting these ideas from." He glares at Jin.

"Don't play coy Tae. I know you, sometimes even a little better than you know yourself." Jin says before going back to work.

Taehyung grumbles and walks away.

At home, Taehyung was thinking about what Jin had said. Did he like Jungkook? Of course not. Jin was just being silly as always. Besides, he would know if he liked Jungkook. Jin was just speaking nonsense as always.

Yet... there was some truth in those words. He did enjoy talking to Jungkook, watching him smile or laugh at the smallest little things. Sure there were instances where Taehyung would imagine them kissing or holding hands, but it didn't mean he liked him.

It didn't matter if everytime they made eye contact, Taehyung would get flustered. It's not like his heart rate would rise up, his cheeks would flush, he'd feel slightly light-headed or anything. He simply had platonic feelings of admiration for Jungkook.

Besides, since when was daydreaming that they would cuddle on his couch at home or receive forhead kisses, dance under the moonlight or share a heartfelt kiss something romantic?

He simply enjoyed his company and that was that.

No feelings whatsoever... right?

Yoongi and his sister were a few blocks away from Jimin's cafe. They were waiting for Yoongi to properly warm himself up. He truly wanted to fix this. He had done even worse than what his potential worst-case scenario was. He slapped him. Who does that?

Ever since that day, Yoongi had felt just horrible. He had never even thought of doing that to someone. He was a nice guy-- or so he thought.

"I can do this.. yeah.. Snap out of it Yoongi." He mutters to himself and taps himself on his cheeks.

"You got this. Just go up to him and apologize... It's easy Yoongi. Just go up to him and apologize." He says while he starts jogging in place.

"You got this Yoongi. Just go up to him and apologize. You can do-" He gets interrupted when his sister throws a face mask and black cap at his face.

"Are you gonna apologize or are you going to keep up warming up like you're about to run a marathon?" She crosses her arms.

"What? No, I'm going to apologize. I just have to get prepared. I want to fix this." He fiddles with the cap.

"What preparing? Yoongi, you're a rapper. You don't need preparing, you talk to people all the time. You just walk up to him and apologize." She says and tries to push him towards the shop.

"No! Stop! Yoonji I swear if you-" Yoonji responds by smacking him several times.

"You little wimp! I'm out here waiting because of you and I'm tired and want to go home to my husband! Now man up and just apologize to him or I'm leaving!" She says irritated, ears clearly red.

Yoongi inhales sharply before speaking,
"You're insane." He whispers.

Yoonji hums and smiles sweetly. She starts lightly patting and stroking his hair.

"Oh Yoongi.. My dearest and greatest brother Yoongi.." She says calmly.

"I'm your only brother and I'm very terrified..." He says, voice starting to tremble.

"You will walk into that cute little cafe and apologize to that guy or I'll beat the wind out of you so bad that you'll never be able to perform again!" She yells from the top of her lungs while pedestrians around them look at them strangely and fasten their walking speed.

"Okay, okay! Stop! Just stop yanking my hair! I'll do it! Damn you're crazy." Yoongi says frantically, trying to get away from his sister as she glares at him.

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going home to my wonderful and cheery husband. Good luck brother." She smiles and gives him a soft pat on the back before walking away.

While Yoongi was rubbing his hair, where he was sure there was a bald spot now, he spotted the man he was looking for.

Jimin was giving a package which he assumed was an order to a young lady with a bike. He gave her a smile and waved goodbye before going back inside the cafe.

Yoongi took in a deep breath and walked inside. He opened the door, the bell chimed and he heard Jimin's voice.

"Welcome to Promise Cafe! How can I help you?" He says in a very cheery tone.

But Yoongi could only hear his heart beating loudly over and over into his ear.

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