Chapter 5

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We need to know what he knows.


The sound of rain against the window draws Izuku from his light sleep. His eyes open with a small flutter before a trifling groan leaves his mouth. He slowly turns to look at the time, his messy green hair locked into a bed head position. As soon as the numbers come into his sight, his eyes lock onto them and once he registers the 8:35 AM time, he softly rolls back onto his back.

"Morning, babe."

The sudden words make Izuku nearly jump out of his skin, his heart rate increasing to nearly exploding out of his chest as he looks at Bakugo.

"You scared the crap out of me." He softly says, his right hand coming up to graze over his chest.

Bakugo shakes his head and chuckles. "You scared yourself by not looking at me first. I've been watching you look at the time."

Izuku shakes his head slowly and rolls back towards the clock to look out the window. "It just had to choose this morning to rain, didn't it?"

Bakugo doesn't reply as he softly scoots forwards and slips his left arm over Izuku's side to grip snugly against his chest before he scoots himself up against Izuku's back, his head coming down to nuzzle into Izuku's neck as his own eyes gaze at the window.

Their relaxing rest is interrupted by a sudden ring from Bakugo's phone, they let the first one go to voicemail, but it simply continues to ring on the side table. With a groan, Bakugo rolls over and grabs his phone roughly before putting it to his ear to answer.

"What the fuck do you want?" He asks.

"Well isn't that a rude way to talk to your friend who is also trying to figure out what happened to Izukus status?" The voice replies.

"Fuck... Fine, what?" Bakugo replies, barely holding back his rough rage.

"Shigaraki has requested to see you both. He says he has information important to you, but will only tell it with both of you there... I can understand if you don't want to put Izuku in that position... but if not we probably will never know what he does..." The voice replies in a much more serious tone.

"God damnit Shinso! Fuck... I'll... talk to him and see... I'll text you the answer." He replies tightly before hanging up and slamming the phone down on the side table.

Izuku had listened intently to the conversation, clearly having overheard both sides of it from his close position. "We're going."

Bakugo turned suddenly with surprise, confusion laced deeply on his face as he lets out an odd noise. "Deku! That man did things to you that nobody should ever do... Are you sure you can ha- No, want to be in a room with him?"

Izuku shakes his head slowly, "Doesn't matter... We need to know what he knows."

Bakugo groans loudly before sitting up and walking towards the dresser. "Fine, but if you have a breakdown, I'm dumping you in the dungeon until you fix yourself." He says half heartedly, his mind clearly thinking otherwise, but giving one last attempt to stop the decision.

Izuku lets out a sharp gasp before getting up and heading over to his own dresser to begin getting clothes. "Fine..."

The next few minutes are tense between the two as they change quickly and begin preparing for their day. Each of them do most of their own daily routines, Izuku immediately going to take a shower before changing while Bakugo goes to the kitchen to begin making breakfast for them. It's quite an efficient system between them, by the time Izuku finishes his shower and heads out to the kitchen, Bakugo finishes breakfast and sets it on plates for them to eat.

Izuku seems to eat in near silence as he contemplates something in his head, meanwhile Bakugo is eating in his usual slight aggressive manner and scrolling through news on his phone. It only takes about fifteen minutes for them both to eat their fill and Bakugo heads towards the bathroom.

"Thanks for breakfast, Kacchan!" Izuku calls as he collects the dishes to begin washing.

Bakugo replies with a simple hum as he leaves the room, Izuku left to turn on the tv and wash the dishes they just used. While it seems like a simple task, Izuku has always had trouble when it comes to putting the dishes away. His height isn't completely stopping, but the very top shelf isn't reachable without a step. He usually puts those dishes in the drying rack for Bakugo to put up later, but after his earlier comment Izuku decides to put them up himself.

So, Izuku ends up grabbing a chair and taking it to the first cabinet, the dishes needing to be placed away set on the counter below the cabinet and he begins slowly lifting them into place. Each thing going into its defined spot as he hums with delight as the task is completed on his own. However, as he places the last dish into its place, his eyes catch on something behind the plate rack, hiding in the corner of the cabinet. He hums thoughtfully and begins to lift the plate rack out.

"Stop! What are you doing Izuku!" Bakugo yells as he runs over and pushes the plate rack back into place.

Izuku frowns at him with confusion. "Putting the plates away? There was something behind them..."

Bakugo shakes his head and closes the cabinet. "There's nothing there, don't worry. It's just a part of the cabinet."

Izuku stares at the cabinet for a moment, thinking of what else it could be before shrugging and climbing off the chair with a sigh. Once Izuku's safely on the ground, Bakugo moves the chair back to the table and heads for the door. "Let's get going... I already texted him we will be there."

Izuku nods and follows him to the door quickly, stepping out of their room and beginning to head down the stairs.

It took about 2 hours to reach the jail, being on the other side of town and through one of the worst traffic areas, but they finally reached it with only a lot of cussing at other drivers quickly followed by apologies from Izuku trying to keep the other from getting pulled over.

The drive up the road was short, but windy. Set back into the trees a bit and surrounded by multiple fences was the large prison. It's made of pure concrete with watch towers and chain link fences surrounding it. Their car pulls through the security checks and into one of the parking spots, the car shutting off with a small jolt as Izuku looks around nervously.

Bakugo simply chuckles and steps out of the car before waiting for Izuku near the front of the truck. Izuku had a bit more hesitation, but after a short wait he arrived next to Bakugo and interlocked their hands together. This was it, Izuku was going to go inside this prison and confront his rapist for the first time since the incident.

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