Chapter 6

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 "with that abandoned status dragging him down."


The long process to get allowed within the prison was both slow and painfully annoying. First they had to ask the person at the front desk to check for their visitation appointment, but that didn't go smoothly so they had to call Shinso to come out and discuss with the person why they were there and why they could enter. That alone took almost an hour of back and forth arguing between the two that neither Bakugo or Izuku could care to hear.

Once they finally made it past that part, it didn't get any easier as they immediately had to go through the security screening. Bakugo got through easily, just a simple scan and a pat down. Izuku on the other hand, was forced to go through the scanner five times before they realized his collar was setting it off, he then removed it and went through, but the worker decided he needed to do a pat down.

The pat down was clearly not just a pat down, the man's hands patting along his ankles and then sliding up his inner calves, then up his inner thighs until they came to his butt. The worker softly ran his hands along Izuku's butt at least four times before Bakugo called him out on it. The worker blushed deeply and shook his head quickly to try and make up excuses, but it wasn't working out well. He then tried to finish the pat down by rubbing his hands down Izuku's chest, stomach and directly over his cock. Izuku immediately protested, but the officer simply silenced him before Bakugo demanded the pat down be over before he presses charges. The officer just waved his hands in dismissal as he moved back to his scanning station and let them go.

Izuku immediately put the collar back on and shuddered in disgust as he felt a bit violated, but softly leaned on Bakugo for support as they then made their way to the waiting room. The chairs were horrible and the bright white fluorescent lights mixed with the tile floors just made for a headache inducing pain. Izuku lightly dragged Bakugo to the corner of the room and made him sit in one of the chairs next to the wall so Izuku could cuddle between Bakugo and the wall, but Bakugo wasn't having any of it and forced himself into the chair next to the wall before pulling Izuku onto his lap.

Izukus face was beet red as the looks at Bakugo. "A-are you sure this is okay?"

Bakugo just chuckles and hums. "Would you rather I fuck you right here?"

Izuku lets out a strangled groan of surprise as he quickly shakes his head no. "N-no please!"

Bakugo nods and laughs loudly. "Good, cause you'd get arrested."

Izuku looks at him confused.

"Because your marked abandoned... so indecency in public isn't allowed... remember?" Bakugo says quietly.

Izuku immediately nods as he remembers reading up on what all rights he no longer has until his status can be fixed.

They are sat there for a solid hour before Shinso walks towards with with a quiet hum. "It's time, you ready?"

Bakugo nods and softly sets Izuku on his feet before standing. "As ready as he's ever going to be."

Shinso nods and turns, beginning to walk away. Izuku watches him walk with relative interest, trying to distract himself by memorizing Shinso's clothing. Black shoes, athletic style, no laces. Black pants, probably slacks, with a duty belt. All the usual accessories on his belt followed with a black polo shirt with a small police badge printed on it and Shinso's name on the other side. He seemed relaxed, but clearly looked tired as if he had been up all night working on trying to drag information from at least a dozen criminals all at the same time.

The walk came to a sudden halt in front of a large metal door, Shinso waved at a camera above it and a buzzer turned on before the sound of the large lock on the door opening was heard. Shinso then opens the door and allows them inside. Nobodies inside but them as Shinso closes the door behind them with the loud sound of the lock latching closed again.

"Take a seat, he will be here in 30 seconds." Shinso says as he sits down in the corner, a small sign of exhaustion emanating from him.

Bakugo and Izuku slowly sit down, Izuku's feet tapping the floor as his nerves begin to get the better of him before the sudden sound of a lock unlatching on the other side of the room is heard. The door swings open with a low squeaking sound from the hinge. Izuku's breath seems to become trapped in his chest as the sound of the chains clicks from the man entering his line of sight.

The man standing in front of them was clearly the one from the hospital room, Shigaraki himself. The officer walking behind him shoves him towards the seat a bit roughly, but Shigaraki barely moves as his eyes lock into izuku's form, his tongue licking at his lips at the sight. The action alone makes Izuku tremble slightly, the memory of the man using him as he woke creeping into his mind before Bakugo softly grabs onto his hand to steady him.

Shigaraki is pushed into the chair before his handcuffs are locked to the bottom of the table. "Hello, Izuku Midoriya." He says lowly, looking between Izuku and Bakugo.

Bakugo speaks up almost immediately. "He's Izuku Bakugo now, so what do you want?"

Shigaraki chuckles and shakes his head. "He will never be anything but Izuku Midoriya, especially with that abandoned status dragging him down."

Bakugo resists the urge to break Shigaraki's head as he watches the other, Izuku's form slowly shrinking back in the chair.

"I'm Izuku Bakugo, thats final." Izuku says sharply.

Shigaraki looks at him a bit surprised. "They never told you."

Izuku looks up slowly, worry and confusion on his face. "T-told me what?"

"About Club Midoriya. The clubs that only the Midoriya family has access to run, unless they sign it away that is." Shigaraki says with a small grin.

"What is club Midoriya? I've never heard of it." Bakugo seethes, not sure if the other is lying to get Izuku's hopes up.

"I should be running the club. If it wasn't for that damn Inko Midoriya, it would have been given to me by my boss!" Shigaraki says, his voice raising. "But no, she ran off and had you! We knew you lived from the words, but you were hard enough to find. Give me the club and I will fix it all." He says with an odd finality. "Or I'll make it a living hell."

Izuku looks surprised and confused as he looks towards Bakugo, who was barely holding himself to his chair to avoid beating the hell out of Shigaraki.

Shinso pushed himself out of his chair roughly and walks quickly over to the door behind Shigaraki before the other officer unlocks and drags him out of the room. Shinso stops and looks towards Izuku and Bakugo with a sad smile. "Sorry..."

Bakugo waves him off and stands, looking down at Izuku who looks confused, hurt, torn, and lost. He softly grabs izuku's hand and lifts it, Izuku following instinctively. They quickly make their way out of the prison, much easier than getting in they must say. Bakugo puts Izuku in the passenger seat of their vehicle before getting in the drivers seat and beginning to drive back towards home.

"Are you okay?" Bakugo asks, Izuku's not said a word as he stares out the window.

"No." Izuku replies.

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