Part 5

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I'll always be here for you, no matter what" Bolton, says and he holds out his pinky finger. I smile as I hook my pinky around his

"I'll always stick by you" I whisper, Bolton stands up and pulls me onto my feet. I look around the small cupboard we've being hiding in and let out a small laugh.

"We always manage to find the best hiding spots" Bolton, says as he opens the door. Luckily the corridor is full so no one will really notice us.

"Hide and seek does come in handy" I joke as I turn to face him, he smiles brightly at me and the two of us just look at each other and instead of awkwardly silence it's just calming and relaxing

"Brooklyn Earl, appears next to us and I unhook my pinky from Bolton's. "what you doing?" Earl, asks as he shoots daggers at Bolton with his eyes.

"Erm, nothing I was just talking to Bolton" I say awkwardly, Bolton looks at me and I avoid his eye contact.

"Come on" Earl, throws his arm over my shoulder and sends one last death stare at Bolton before we walk down the corridor.

"Earl, we really was just talk..." before I could Finish Earl, throws me into an empty classroom causing me to Gasp.

"You had to hide in a cupboard to just talk?" He asks and I struggle to get my words out. "After everything, I've done for you and you do this?" Earl, steps closer to me and I look at him confused.

"I didn't do anything, Earl I swe..." before I could finish Earl, slaps me across the face. I let out a small scream of pain. I hold my face in pain and look at Earl with shocked eyes.

"B-brook I didn't mean to" Earl, says but I push past him and leave the classroom. I cover my red face with my hair so no one sees. "Brooklynnnn!" Earl, shouts after me but I ignore him.

I bump into Marly who sees my face and his eyes widen. "Brook? Hey What happened?" He asks as he places his hands on my shoulders. I push him away from me and head towards the girls toilets

I look through my beg for my makeup so I can cover the bruise already forming. As I look in the mirror I look into my eyes with a blank expression. Why would he do that? He said he didn't mean too. I shake off my thoughts and apply some foundation. My phone goes off and I flinch at the sound.

'I lost control, but that's only because you was talking to Bolton. I told you your mine, it's disloyal when you talk to other boys' Earl, says and I look at my phone sadly. He's right, I shouldn't have done what I did.

'I'm sorry' He adds and I smile softly.'

It's fine, I forgive you. Just don't do it again' I text and i pram against the sink as I nervously bite my nails.'

It won't, I promise' Earl, says and I hold my phone up to my chin and take a second to think.'

I'm outside the toilets waiting for you' Earl, texts and I immediately head for the door. When I open it Earl, kicks himself off of the wall and connects our lips.

"I love you" Earl, whispers and I hesitate to say it back.

"I love you" I finally say, Earl throws his arm over my shoulder and we walk down the corridor in silence.

We go to my dads and everyone was there
What's going on I ask
Sister your going to be an aunt
What I say I was in shock
Your an aunt says earl
Wow I say
Every one goes home and me and earl go to my room and lay down
I want a baby earl says
Me too baby maybe we shy asks my dad and see if it's ok for a baby now ok I say
Ok earl says
Good night soo to be dad
Good night soo to be mom
We go to sleep in our bed and cuddle

We go to my dads and everyone was there What's going on I ask Sister your  going to be an auntWhat I say I was in shock Your an aunt says earl Wow I say Every one goes home and me and earl go to my room  and lay down  I want a baby earl says Me to...

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