Chapter 13.3.2. Loyalty And Intelligence

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   Sir Edward appeared to regain his control and lowered the pistol to his side. "I'd wondered where that wretched beast had hidden itself. One would hope that the servants had checked in here. I should have put it down the day I arrived."

   "You most certainly should not have done such a thing," Aunt Penelope said in indignation. "The poor creature is mourning his owner. This is a sign of loyalty and intelligence."

   Sir Edward glanced in amusement at Charlotte and Paulina, his manners back in place. "As you say, Lady Crowbridge."

   "Furthermore," Aunt Penelope said in a pensive voice, " the dog seems to have taken a liking to Charlotte. It would appear he is trying to communicate with us."

   "Communicate?" Charlotte said in disbelief.

   Aunt Penelope shook her head impatiently at her lack of understanding. "About his master's death. I believe Strathmere is sending us a message from beyond the grave."

   "That he likes Charlotte?" Paulina asked slyly.

   Sir Edward glanced out into the candlelit gallery, muttering, "I should have the servants take care of this once and for all."

   Aunt Penelope gave a gasp of shock. "You would not put a harmless animal to death? Your nephew adored this hound, Sir Edward. It would warm my heart to see him running after Lord Strathmere on his frequent rides."

   Charlotte glanced at the muscular dog from the corner of her eye. She was not an avid animal lover herself, but she would not wish to see one hurt. And there was little in the mastiff's menacing bulk to warm her own heart. But what the beast's owner did to her heart was another matter entirely.

   Moreover, for all her Aunt babbled on about loyalty and intelligence, Charlotte could not be sure that the dog would not eventually lead Sir Edward to Benedic's hiding place. And if Sir Edward were capable of butchering his own nephew, there was no telling what he would do when confronted by the resurrected Benedic in the flesh.

   "I have always wished for a dog like this of my very own," she blurted out, sounding so much like a feather-brained female that she cringed inwardly.

   Aunt Penelope stared at her in a combination of disbelief and delight. "Have you, dear?"

   Paulina narrowed her eyes.

   "Oh, yes," Charlotte gushed, going so far as to clasp her hands to her heart. "Papa had promised me one right before he died."

   Which was probably the biggest lie she had ever told in her life. Charlotte had been demanding a diamond tiara, not a dog. As if disgusted with this turn of events, Ares sank down on his haunches beside her.

   "I should be happy to find a suitable lapdog for you, Lady Charlotte," Sir Edward said, his mouth curling into a faint smile. He took a step toward Ares, then stopped as the dog bared his teeth. "You see, this animal is unpredictable."

  "He is not unpredictable at all," Aunt Penelope insisted. "The animal is already serving his duty as a protector." As if to prove her point, she swept past Sir Edward and knelt to scratch the dog's ears.

   Ares consented to this nonsense with a look of utter resignation. Charlotte wondered suddenly what she had gotten herself into. What was she to do with a killer dog?

   Or a killer.

   She glanced up at Sir Edward's face, attempting to understand what hid behind his mask of unctuous agreeability. Could her well-mannered, accomplished host be capable of murder? Was it possible Benedic had made a mistake? It had been dark in this room the night of the attack.

   "What do you make of this, Sir Humphrey?" Edward asked the other man hovering in the doorway behind Charlotte. "It's up to you whether you wish this animal in your house."

   "I have never been able to refuse my wife when it comes to rescuing a stray, Sir Edward," Humphrey answered with a good-humored shrug. "I should not be wise to start now."

   Sir Edward shook his head in defeat. "Then by all means, take the beast. But do not say I did not warn you if it turns on you."

*A/N: Please be my patron in Patre*n and read chapters in advance. My other works are also available there. Or if you just want to support me. Please look for creator Zetar086.
Love lots ♥️

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