you're drunk and don't recognize her

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Phoebe put the car in park before turning the engine off and laying her forehead against the steering wheel.

It's almost two in the morning and she is completely exhausted. 

She didn't even have the energy to change out of her pajamas after she got the call from your friend that she needed to come and pick you up, despite the fact that she'd be picking you up from what was most likely a crowded bar at this hour.

But she pulled herself together enough to come and get you, knowing that you needed to be taken home and get into the comfort of your safe bed and Phoebe's warm arms.

She got out of the car a moment later and locked it behind her as she made her way to the door of the bar. She groaned over the smell of alcohol in the air. Disgusted over how strong it was, she was unable to stop herself from crinkling her nose.

She began to look around the room for you and your friends, only to almost jump out of her skin upon feeling someone tap her shoulder.

"Sorry!" One of your friends apologized. "I'm so happy that you're here. She's so drunk that she barely even recognizes us. I knew we needed to call you so you could come and get her. She's just wasted and needs to get home."

"I appreciate you calling." Phoebe smiled and then followed your friend to where you and your other friends were.

"You don't need another drink, y/n." One of them said and Phoebe shook her head with a chuckle over how drunk you were after catching just one glimpse of you.

"Y/N, look! Your girlfriend is here!" Your friend that greeted Phoebe a moment ago said to you.

Phoebe watched you look between your friends and then at her, thinking it was so adorable how you furrowed your eyebrows as you stared at her. She didn't think of anything of it at all.

"Hey, sweet girl. It's time to go home, okay?" She smiled as she reached out to lay her hand on your arm, only for you to shake your head and pull away from her.

You stumbled a bit but thankfully, your friends caught you and steadied you before you lost your balance.

"I can't go home with you." You slurred. "I have a girlfriend!"

Your friends and Phoebe all stared at each other in confusion.

I know you do, my love. That's me. I'm your girlfriend."

"No, you're not! I'd recognize my own girlfriend!" You said and your friends and Phoebe couldn't help but laugh over that.

"Baby," Phoebe giggled as she moved closer, now standing in front of you.

"No, don't call me that! Only my girlfriend can call me that!"

Phoebe sighed and put her head back, smiling a little.

"I'm already taken, so you should just take a hint and go."

"Should I?" Phoebe teased.

"Yes. Because I love my girlfriend and I'm not leaving with anyone but her."

Phoebe didn't say anything. She just smiled at you, staring at you with an adoring gaze.

"Her name is Phoebe. I love her with all of my heart and only her. Always just her."

"That's very good to know, baby." She whispered softly, her heart fluttering in her chest.

She took your hands into hers and you melted a few seconds later, finally seeming to recognize her.

"There we go," Phoebe spoke to herself, relieved that you finally recognized her. "Hey, my love."

"Phoebe! You're here!" You grinned and put your arms around her. "I'm so happy that you're here. Someone just tried to get me to go home with them."

Phoebe played along, simply gasping as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Are you serious, babe?"

"Yes! But don't worry. I told her that I'm taken. I made it clear that I wasn't going anywhere with anyone but you."

"Okay. Well, I'm here now. So we should go home."

"Okay." You slurred and she kissed the crown of your head before grabbing your things and helping you to the car, waving goodbye to your friends.

"I love you." You slurred and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too, baby." She smiled as she helped you into the car.

"I'm going to sleep until we get home." You mumbled as you laid your seat back a little and closed your eyes and Phoebe just chuckled, agreeing happily.

She got into the car with you and started to drive home, checking on you at every red light that you encountered.

"I'm going to have so much fun teasing you about this in the morning." She laughed and watched you sleep, looking forward to it.

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