after a show (requested)

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"Hey, baby!" You grinned as Phoebe hurried backstage to you. "You did so great tonight! Good job, my love!"

She smiled happily as you rubbed her back and let her cling to you tight despite the sweat rolling down her skin.

She just finished yet another successful show on her tour.

It's only a few shows in on her tour but you swear that each show is somehow even more amazing than the last.

She's so talented and her fans keep showering her with so much love.

She's so happy to be out on stage and her fans are always so happy to be able to watch her give her all on stage as she performs some of her favorite songs she's ever made.

It's a magical feeling being able to watch her live out her dreams and you're just so proud.

She pulled away from the hug you'd been sharing and stared at you with a bright and beautiful smile.

"I could hear you cheering for me."

"Well, of course I'm going to cheer for you, baby. You're so good and I love every song you make. I'm proud to shout every word from the top of my lungs and cheer you on every show."

Her heart swelled with love.

She knows that you're her biggest fan, no one could even come close to loving her and cheering her on compared to you.

And that makes her so happy.

"I love you so much." She said before kissing your lips lovingly.

"I love you even more, Phoebe." You said as you tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

You grabbed her hand and walked to her dressing room with her.

You sat down and patiently waited for her as she cleaned up and changed.

And then she was back by your side, holding you tight and kissing your lips obsessively.

"What time is our flight?"

"About an hour from now." She said. "Which means we'll have to head to the airport soon."

You nodded and held her hand tightly in yours, bringing it to your lips for a few kisses.

"I'm really proud of you." You said softly as you stared into her eyes.

"You say that to me every day." She chuckled.

"Because it's true and I'll keep saying it every day, every chance I get." You promised. "You're such a star, my love. It makes me so happy to see you live out your dreams. Being able to watch you shine every night and watching you put your heart and soul on each stage with the brightest smile on your face... I'm just so happy for you, darling."

Her eyes sparkled and, once again, her heart swelled.

"There's still a lot of shows left to do and I can't wait to scream at the top of my lungs for you. I can't wait to sing along to every word of every song and watch you shine like the absolute star you are. You're perfect, my baby. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently."

"You're so sweet, baby." She said as she pulled you closer. "I love you and I don't know how I ever got so lucky. You're still the best thing that has ever happened to me, even with all the things that keep happening for me. I can't imagine life without you, my girl and my number one fan."

"Always." You happily said before kissing her. "Let's just stay like this until we have to go."

"Okay, baby. I'd love that so much." She smiled and held you tight, wanting to stay in these moments forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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