Childhood: 2

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#5 Type of shouts to be written:


These are all read on how they are spelled.

True Story: Childhood 2

("True Story" is the title of the book Rohan and Izumi have a curse on. I want you to use your imagination as hard as you can to be able to picture in your mind on what is happening.)

11:19 pm

Rohan arrives back to his residence. As he went inside, he saw Reimi facing at the bookshelf. She was bleeding exceedingly, her back has a deep and long wound, her hands.. gone. She started screaming, just like back then. It portrayed pure pain and agony. She stomps her feet very hard to the ground, making an awful banging sound. Rohan was struck, he couldn't move. He was then grabbed on the mouth by someone behind him. It costed him to turn his head around, but sees nothing. Turns back to his bookshelf, nothing..!

Rohan: *heavy breathing*

Izumi rested a bit on her couch. After a while, she lifted up her head and saw her father. He was crawling, dragging himself only with the strength of his hands. His eyes were soaked with tears, non-stop vomiting of blood. And the sound of his voice as he vomits made Izumi feel very nauseous. His father crawled faster towards her like a spider. Izumi tried to get up, but couldn't because of her leg. As she screamed, her father was no longer there. And everything went back as if nothing happened...!

Izumi: *horrified tears, controls nauseousness*

Both were quite hesitant to go back to sleep, but couldn't control the tiredness of their minds and eyes. The two slept and dreamt weird (not in a good way) dreams. It felt like they were being pranked by crazy kids...

12:10 am

Rohan: *wakes up, gasps* ! *gets up* (Those.. what even are those?! What did they feed me?!)

Izumi: *wakes up, squeals, runs from bed* Eh?! *misses a step, falls on floor* Ouch!!!.. *get's up, gags, feels naucious*

Izumi: *knock knock* It's Izumi! *comes in Rohan's home*

Rohan: *looks from above, doesn't respond* ..?

Izumi: *looks around*(Sensei's not here!?) *breathing heavily*

Rohan: Oi, up here.

Izumi: Ah! Sensei!

Rohan: Are you ok? You look like you're being chased by someone.

Izumi: Well, I woke up this morning from a weird and terrible dream. I felt like somethings wrong with me, physically.

Rohan: *comes down* Hmph..

Izumi: ?

Rohan: You look fine as of now.

Izumi: But my head feels heavy..

Rohan: Huh, mine too..*drinks his glass of water, stops mid action*

Izumi: ...

Rohan: *faces glass in front of Izumi*

Both: *sees it* ?!

Both: *look into the mirror bathroom*

Both: *look into the mirror bathroom*

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