The Mysterious Hedgehog

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Amy's P.O.V

I woke up after hours surgery. "Why...why I'm I here..." I stared at the ceiling. "Did mother want me to live for something?" I spoke softly to myself.

"What the hell.. Damn I don't remember a thing.." A black and red Hedgehog grunted. "Oh looks like I'm sharing a room.." I smiled a bit. "Not for long I'm leaving.." He huffed ripping the badges off and getting out of bed. "H-how are you already feeling better?" I asked shocked.

"Easy I'm the ultimate life form.. And you are Amy Rose hm? Cute.." He smirked and turned to the window. "W-wait do you have a name!" I shouted but he was already gone. I can't believe him.. He just left without paying the hospital bill.

I don't have much money neither.. Slowly I shifted my body. "Hey I feel much better.." I got up and walked to the window. Quickly jumping out not think how far the jump. "AHHHHH!" I screamed feeling the wind blow through my body. It was a far way down. The more closer I came to the ground I saw the black and red figure again.

"Stop screaming and think of a way to land.." My mothers voice echoed through my head.

Seeing it was grass a landed on my hands and knees. I wasn't in much pain in fact I didn't feel like I was on the ground. "I'm I still falling.." I whispered opening my eyes. "Your reckless Rose.." I opened my eyes to his deep husky voice. The hedgehog of the colors of Red and black. "Thank you.." He smirked leaning my on the tree after putting me down. "I guess you could say I'm your hero.. Maybe you could return the favor."

With that said he leaned into my ear. " seeeexy Rose.." He rolled his tongue when he said sexy sending chills down my spine. I blushed of how close he was but to nervous to move. I got excited never before did a boy get this close to me. My mind filled with thoughts of him all over me.

I could feel his body heat getting closer as he whispered naughty words in my ear. The more he whispered the more my right ear got hotter and my breath. He chuckled more not landing a single finger on me. He was seducing me and was working one touch and I could lose control.

"We shouldn't do this in public.." I caught my breath. "Your right what do you say we head to my place.." He smiled letting his hot breath touch my neck. Bitting my lip in excitement I tried containing myself. "Wh-what's your name.." I blushed as he pulled me from the tree into his arms. "Shadow. Shadow the hedgehog.." He smirked. I wonder what's a pretty thing like you doing out here?"

"Well.. I killed my abusive father.." I held myself remembering the terrible moment... The moment I smiled at his pain and death. "I didn't mean I'm sorry.." He apologized. "It's fine.. I just don't have no place to go now.." I looked down and he lifted my chin. "You can stay with me.." I smiled leaning to kiss my neck.

"S-Shadow.." I purred. "This won't hurt.." He chuckled.

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