Chapter 4

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I followed Petals to a room, way grander than our house, even though my family ran the Air Hive. "Woah..." I muttered, and widened my eyes. I quickly put on a bored, blank face soon after. I plopped myself onto the couch, and popped into my mouth a block of cream. It melted and tasted heavenly. "Your visitors are here, Mystic." Petals called, and the door opened to reveal my parents, and Eclipse. "Nebula! Night! Eclipse!" I called out, jumping up from the couch. "Mystic... We're so sorry you have to go through this..." Nebula, my mother started, and Night cut her off. "Be strong, Mystic. You have great power inside of you." He encouraged, and Eclipse muttered something.

"Mom, Dad, can you leave?" Eclipse abruptly asked, and shoved them out without a reply. I shook my head in amusement. Classical Eclipse. I thought, chuckling. "Hi sis.." I smiled softly. She stared me in the eyes and glared at me. "You're getting out of this arena, okay? Come back to us." She whispered fiercely, and tears formed in her mismatched eyes. She tied a necklace around my neck, and a tiara on my head. "You're a queen, Mystic. Remember that." She demanded, her eyes blazing. And with that, she left the room.

Another knock made me look up at the door. "Come in," I called before the guest could say anything. "Mystic? Time to go," She said softly, and led me out the door. I numbly followed her out, thinking about Eclipse's words. I'll survive, no- win. I'll do it for you, little sister. 

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