Save yourself, i'll hold them back.

16 2 1

Adam, Party, Kobra: Nova

Ryan, Jack: Vannah

Ryan was laying on the gas station floor, wounds wrapped much better than yesterday. He really just wanted to get back to the diner and see Adam and everyone again..

Jack looked at the gas station ceiling, he was thinking about everyone..does everyone think they are dead? Oh god..Adam..

"alright everyone, i got us a ride back to the diner." party called as they slipped in from outside, pulling down their mask and putting up their goggles with a soft sigh. They had a little blood on their shirt. "You two feel okay enough to finally ride back? Or do we need to wait some more?"

Ryan sat up slowly, "I feel okay enough." He was still hurting but he really just wanted to leave. He noticed the blood on Partys shirt, that executioner is ghosted..

Jack sat up with a nod, "I'm good. I can't wait to get back and see the others." He got up with a bit of trouble but managed.

"..dr. death would've told everyone we're ghosted by now.. Show pony would have said to." Party muttered, before moving over to help out the brothers.

"I tried to contact the diner but I didn't get any replies.. or really I couldn't get through to them.." they sighed, checking jacks wounds, and then ryans, to make sure nothing sprung a leak.

Ryan frowned, "We really need to get back.. Knowing Screech he probably did something reckless.." He sighed softly. He slowly got up to his feet.

Jack looked at Ryan and nodded, "Yeah.." He made his way over to Ryan and steadied him.

"alright.. jack, put Ryan in front of you on the motorcycle so he isn't moved around so much. I'll try and go as slow as i can, but like you said bugs, knowing adam, he's doing some dumb shit." Party huffed, pulling down his goggles again and packing up their duffel bag of supplies.

Jack nodded, he led Ryan out and toward the motorcycle. He looked at Ryan who was practically leaning on him, "Do we have a deal to beat Adams ass if he did some dumb shit?" His voice was quiet.

Ryan nodded and looked to Jack, "Yes, yes we do." He could feel his body already feeling weak but he would make sure to yell at Adam when he had enough strength.

Party squeezed into the front of the motorcycle so that ryan was protectively sandwiched between themselves and jack, looking back at the two brothers with a soft sigh.

"Here we go." They kicked up the stand and revved the cycle, slowly moving forward and on to the road before they picked up speed. They drove along the road, seeing a car in the distance.. a strikingly familiar car.

Ryan held onto Party. He looked up and saw a familiar car, he tilted his head, "I..Is that.."

Jack looked over toward the car, he nodded, "Yep..I already know who's in it." He sighed. He had a very strong feeling.

"oh look, its idiot 1 and idiot 2." Party squinted through the window as the car flew past, kobra kid soon leaning out the window and looking back with wide eyes.

He then shouted and smacked adam, yelling at him to "stop and turn around you fucking idiot" which caused party to bust out into laughter.

Ryan chuckled softly as he heard Kobras shout. He looked back toward Jack, "You ready, J?"

Jack nodded, "Yep. Born ready." He chuckled. He watched as the car whipped back around.

Party slowed to a stop as the car pulled up beside them, adam looking with wide eyes. Kobra dove out the window, practically tackling party and causing them to yelp.

"Mikey,, mikey i'm okay i promise!!" Party squeals, balancing the bike as best as they could.

Adam quietly got out of the car, looking away from his brothers, his hair falling in his face.

Jack looked at Adam. He slowly got off the bike and walked up to Adam, "Adam...what did you do?" He asked gently as he took in his appearance. He didn't want to kick his ass..just yet.

"...i shot up an exterminator camp.." adam mumbled. "..i'm okay.. i just.." he had a few bruises on his cheeks and some dirt on his clothes.

"My emotions overwhelmed me." He sighed softly, "go ahead and yell at me, i know you're gonna."

Jack rubbed his temples, "..I'm not gonna yell at you..yet. I need more energy for that." He looked at Ryan who was getting off of the motorcycle and making his way toward them. "What we will do though is.." He then hugged Adam tightly as did Ryan.

Adam felt tears spill out of his eyes, wrapping his arms around his brothers gently. "How the hell did you guys survive..? I thought you were ghosted.." he spoke softly, not wanting to ever let go ever again.

Ryan looked at Adam through his cracked glasses, "Ah, the exterminators thought we were dead since we were all passed out..we got out before they came back though." His voice was soft.

"..we should get you guys back to the diner.." adam breathed softly, "you've been through so much shit.." he heard a motorcycle in the distance, looking up.

" in the car... Now.." his tone became frantic, letting go of the two and helping them into the car. Party looked, eyes widening. "Go, i'll be right behind you." They mumbled, pushing kobra off gently.

Ryan got into the car along with Jack and noticed that Party was staying, "Party..what are you doing?" He raised an eyebrow.

Jack looked over and realized. Party was staying to hold back the Exterminators.. He looked over to Ryan with a small frown, " staying to hold them back," He turned to Party, "aren't you?"

"yep! You're smarter than you look, rabbit." Party smiled, pulling out their blaster and clicking the stand down, getting off the cycle and walking a little ways down the road.

Kobra gave a worried look, but got in the passenger side again, sighing. "I trust my brother. He's gonna make it." Adam got in, looking back through the mirror.

"Actually, i'd like to go by they them, if you don't mind. Gave it a lot of thought." Party called, before pulling up their bandana. The motorcycle noises were growing ever closer.

Jack nodded with a small smile, "You got it."

Ryan blinked with a small smile as tears fell down his cheeks, "O..Of course." He took a deep breath, "I..I can help you.." He tried to open the door but Jack stopped him, "Hey!"

Jack held Ryan close as Ryan fought against him, "No, we need to go." He looked to Adam and gave a nod. He glanced at Party, "We better see you back at the diner soon." His voice was gentle.

"they don't call me party poison for nothin'." They laughed softly, before turning to the exterminators and aiming for their heads.

Adam locked the doors and stepped on the gas, watching partys bright red hair disappear on the horizon.

Danger days: An AJR killjoys AUWhere stories live. Discover now