Chapter 10: The Rucas Wedding

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This chapter has a time lapse...about a month a half :) Thanks for all the support. P.S. Lucas took his father's last name and Maya took their mother's maiden name Lucas Friar, Maya Hart. xoxo -Kaili 

~Lucas' POV~

I can't believe that today is the day I marry Riley Ariana Matthews. Today is the day she becomes my wife, and soon my Queen. In a matter of hours...Our wedding is blue and green and white. She loves it, so I love it. We haven't known each other long, but I Joshua is my Best Man. Only a few more hours and I'll be seeing the beautiful Riley walk down the aisle towards me... I can't wait. I have to wait until the wedding to see her though, and thats killing me. I can't see the most beautiful girl ever for I'll take a nap to forget.

~Riley's POV~

It's my wedding day, wedding day. Hay baby hay.(Full House Spin-Off) I'm so excited. I get to dress up and marry than man I love today...the Prince Lucas Friar. My blue/green/white wedding...Maya's my maid of honor...I invited that, Missy, girl. I want her to be jealous and bask in my victory. I get the happy ending. The happily ever after, and that makes me the happiest I've ever been. Well time to get ready. I put on my long flowy dress. I did my hair in a side do. I put my veil and hair peice in, and do my makeup. -Time Lapse- I see Maya in her long blue dress. She looks so pretty. I'm ready...

Riley: Maya, can you go tell the people it's time?

Maya: Of course...Good luck, Riley. I'll see you out there.

And then she walked away, and I heard the wedding march play...I saw my daddy waiting for me right at the door...

Cory: It's ready?

Riley: Yea...yea, I am.

Cory: Let's go. 

Riley: Ok...thank you, dad.

 And then I walked down the aisle, and see Lucas standing there. I don't think anyone could've smiled as big as I am. He just chuckles and looks at me. Then he comes and takes my hand so we can get officiated by the King of Pillea.

~Lucas' POV~

She looks amazing. Her dress is perfect, her hair is astonishing...and her face, so delicate and beautiful. And my thoughts are interupted when its time for me to bring her to the alter. I love this girl, and I get to spend the rest of my life with her.

-Skip Boring Stuff-

King of Pillea: Do you Riley Matthews, take this Lucas Friar as your husband?

Riley: I do, a million times, I do.

King of Pillea: And do you Lucas Friar, take this Riley Matthews as you wife?

Lucas: I do, I take her for the rest of my natural life.

King of Pillea: Does anyone object to the marriage of Riley and Lucas? If so speak now, or forever hold your peace.

Then someone spoke up...a girl...? I look over and see the one and only Missy.

Missy: I object. I don't believe Lucas Friar should marry Riley Matthews. I believe he should marry me.

Riley: Too bad, Missy. Accept it, at the ball he chose me. 

She walked away from the alter towards Missy and kept talking.

Riley: You are the most self-centered, selfish, evil, rude, awful, fake person I've met in my entire life. I feel sorry for anyone that might even POSSIBLY marry you. Because--pardon my french--that will be a life in hell.

And with that she walked back up to the alter and we continued our ceremony.

King of Pillea: Well then...with that taken care of, by the power of me, I now pronounce you, husband and may now kiss the bride.

And I kiss her, and we walk down away from the alter. 

King of Pillea: I introduce you to the soon to be 1/2 King and 1/2 Queen. Riley and Lucas Friar.


And they threw rice at us...and a bird exploded. But we were happy...time for the wedding ball.

Lucas: It's done...we're married.

Riley:  Now can we get a baby?

Lucas: Yes, now we can MAKE a baby.

Riley: Yay. I love this day, I love you, and I'll love our baby.

Announcer: It is time for the first dance of the Bride and Groom.

Lucas: May I have this dance, Riley Friar?

Riley: Yes you may, Lucas Friar.

And I take her and we dance, to the song my parents danced to on their wedding day.

~Riley's POV~
This is beautiful. I'm dancing with the love of my life, I'm married, I'm gonna make a Baby Friar, and I'm a soon to be 1/2 Queen of Pillea.

Riley: This is all so beautiful. Thank you for choosing me at the ball. I love you so much. And I promise you, I will love the heck out of the newest Baby Friar. 

Lucas: It is, your welcome. I'm over joyed that I chose you too. I love you. And I'm excited to have a Baby Friar.

And then we kissed. The dance was over and it was time to eat. We have food from all over the world. Clam Chowder in a Sour Dough bread bowl. Mozzarella Balls with Tomato and Basil on a stick with Oil on it. Chicken Tenders, Pizza. It was amazing. I had the guards take Missy away right after the reseption though. I don't really want to die death by poisened food by Missy on my wedding night...

Hope you guys like the chapter! Please vote and comment what you think below!!!! Thank you! Remember votes and comments incourage me!!!

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