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The wind hits Lisa's face as she drove her bike at a slow pace. Her mom had told her to go and get some eggs from the grocery store so they could bake cookies together.

Lisa would usually deny , but she couldn't let the opportunity of eating her mom's hand cookies pass this easily.

It was early in the morning , there weren't many people in the store , she went and brought the eggs swiftly and made her way back home.

But her day wouldn't complete if she didn't stop by the candy shop.

The doorbell rang as she entered the shop , the smell of Mrs. Jeon's handmade candy made its way deliciously to her nostrils.

Lisa loved going there. Mrs Jeon's handmade candy are the best and it compared to nothing at the grocery store.

Lisa picked up a couple of chocolate bars , those were delicious , she thought.

She made her way to Mrs Jeon who was at the counter back facing her.

“Mrs Jeon” she called out placing the chocolate bars on the counter top along with the money. Mrs Jeon turned around and smiled at her. Lisa screamed excitedly “Mrs Jeon I am back”.

“Hold on will you ?” a deep manly voice called out , she heard footsteps from the side and looked at the direction.

She looked up and saw a handsome tall ass man walking towards her with a annoyed face. From his appearance , he didn't look like Mrs. Jeon's husband rather a young man.

“Who are you?” she asked curiously. By now , Mrs Jeon has already gone inside the kitchen.

The man stood in front of her and suddenly licked his lips as he leaned in to get closer to the girl , “aren't you a doll?”

He eyed her up and down silently and let out a chuckle , raising his arms to her high ponytail as he tugs it in his hand , making her whine. Lisa groaned , not knowing the double meaning behind his gesture.

“Stop bothering the girl Jungkook” Mrs Jeon said as she came out from the kitchen. “Well meet him , he is my son Jungkook.”

“Nice to meet you doll face” he gave a smirk at the nickname. Jungkook could see how her cheeks flushed at the pet name , he is sure not gonna stop now.

“Nice umm , nice to meet you too, Jungkook. I am Lisa.” Her voice was almost silent , she was far too timid to even look at his face. She had never had a boy called her that before.

“Now , I see you brought your favorite , Jungkook actually makes them.”

“He does?” Lisa exclaimed excitedly but then she hides it, her face flushed once again as she fiddled with her fingers anxiously. “You make good chocolates , Jungkook.”

“Hmm. I know doll face , I can make a lot of good things.” Lisa ignored his comment , thinking nothing of it as she grabbed the money she put on the counter, extending her hands to give it to him , “ oh , that's alright , its my treat.”

“Really?” Her eyes widened , staring at the chocolate bars as she felt guilt creeping up. “Oh.. That's fine, my mom wouldn't be happy if I took this for free.”

“C'mon , Lisa ... Its a gift.”He paused , pulling out a pink paper bag as placed all of the chocolate inside the bag.

He then pulled out another candy , a Jawbreaker and he placed them in too. “Make sure you finish that you doll face ... The Jawbreaker , I mean.”

There was a glint in Jungkook's eyes that Lisa couldn't exactly put a finger on. Why did he give her a Jawbreaker? Those were the worst , it had to be in her mouth the whole time. “Your mom wouldn't be to happy if you declined my gift.”

“Umm.... Alright.” She hesitantly took the paper bag , holding it tightly in her fist. “Thank you , Mrs. Jeon, thank you so much for the gifts , Jungkook... I hope you have a great day.”

“I hope you have a great day too darling... I hope to see you soon.” He adds as he eyed her figure. He offered to walk her out. By the time they were out , Lisa looked at him again and said

“Bye and thank you again Jungkook for the gift ”

“Aww..... You thank too much.” He said pinching her cheeks to which Lisa blush.

“I just wanted to pay.”

“Hmm.... OK if you want to pay then give me a hug.”

“Wh...what?” Lisa shuttered , never in her life she had hugged a man except her father.

“C'Mon you wanted to pay, right? Then just give me a hug.”

Lisa nodded and leaned forward to hug him. Jungkook hugged her back, wrapping his hands around her lower back.

His hands slide down and disappear inside her skirt, groping her ass cheeks and he gives them a firm squeeze, kneading with the flesh. Lisa squirmed but just shrugged it off , parting away and smiled at him.

They bid goodbye again and Lisa walked away. Jungkook bites his lips as he imagined what's hiding underneath that god-awful dress that seemed to cover every part of her body. He walked into the shop.

“Whatever it is I think you are doing , don't. The girl is different , she is not like the ones you sleep with every day... She is fragile , Jungkook. Don't you dare break her.”

“Alright.. ” It didn't sound convincing at all bit it was all his mom could say to him. Jungkook had a tendency to have his way with people and his mother had no idea how to fix it anytime soon.

She just hopes Jungkook doesn't touch that fragile girl.

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