Chapter 5

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I'm at my office now with headphones in my ears as I'm fixing the fucking generator cause that shit needs to be fixed.

(Y/N): God damn who the fuck messed with it this badly.

Author and Mystery starts whistling.

As I put the last screw in it starts up again.

(Y/N): Done phew.

I look at the time and see it's 12:00.

(Y/N): Alright keep doors closed forever yay.

I close the doors seeing I'm not losing power at all.

G.Fredya: What are doing (Y/N)?


I look at G.Fredya as she giggles.

(Y/N): How did you even get in you weren't here before?

G.Fredya: *Magic*

I blankly stare at her as she continues to giggle.

(Y/N): So do you want anything?

G.Fredya: No just want to spend time with you.

(Y/N): ...Ok...

G.Fredya: What don't trust me?

(Y/N): No.

She smiles.

G.Fredya: We- I mean I will earn your trust again then.

(Y/N): We?

G.Fredya: Ignore that but I want to ask you something.

(Y/N): Ok...Shoot...?

G.Fredya: What are your memories of this place?

(Y/N): The closest memory I have is moving fast to a table which consists of food, party plates and cups, a bunch of drinks, and gifts, I also remember my friends I think there my friends I can't see there faces it's covered by a silhouette are setting up a party and then I a dark area with a guy in a purple outfit and a knife in hand with a gun as he wears a golden like bunny mask, the knife has blood on it.

(Y/N): And that's all I can remember.

G.Fredya is staring at me as her eyes are blank and then there back to normal.

G.Fredya: Well at least you can remember that.

I am very confused as she then disappeared out of nowhere.

(Y/N): Did she just teleport?

I then dismiss it and check the cameras like I'm in among us.

I then check Circus baby cams seeing her face the camera with a smile on her face, I get weirded out by it and turn the cameras off.

I then hear banging on my doors as i quickly look seeing Foxy at my door banging on my door.

(Y/N): Ha try and get me now.

I then set a robotic timer for the puppets music so every now and then it charges the music box.

I then look through the drawers of the office while ignoring the banging on the door.

I then find a list of names that was the missing kids name...

I then find a note.

I then read the note.

It's me.

I then see flashes of children and my kid self playing.

I then go back into a wall and clench my chest and take deep breathes.


I look at my office window seeing a note on the outside of the door.

-Were going to play a game want to join us I promise no harm will come to you mentally or physically.

Golden Fredya

I open my door because I'm going to be a very stupid person in a horror movie.

As I leave the hallway I see all the animatronics sitting down staring at me.

(Y/N): Uhhhhhhhh The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20-meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

They all stare at me in confusion.

(Y/N): I don't know.

Puppet: Come sit with us.

I sit next to Fredya and Bonnie because they were the only available seats at all.

(Y/N): So what are we doing?

G.Fredya: To get to know us we're playing two truths and a lie.

(Y/N): Oh ok.

I started us off.

(Y/N): Hmm I have dissociative amnesia, my favorite place to go is the gym, and I love sleeping.

Bonnie: Is the lie you have dissociative amnesia?

(Y/N): Nop.

Chica: Is the lie your favorite place is the gym?

(Y/N): Yup Chica got it right.

Chica smiles as it was now her turn.

Chica: My favorite food is yellow, I can't make pizza, I have a beak.

Fredya: The lie is you can't make pizza.

Chica: You got me.

Fredya: Alright my turn.

Fredya: I love singing, me and Golden Fredya are siblings, and I love the color purple.

(Y/N): Is the lie you love the color purple?

Fredya: Yup puppet go next.

Puppet: Hmmm.

Puppet: I had a crush on someone we knew, me and Bonnie are siblings, I still talk to C.B.

Bonnie: The lie is we're siblings.

Puppet: You ruined it.


Puppet: Yes she's still my friend.


G.Fredya: (Y/N) leave this isn't your business and I don't want you involved.

(Y/N): Alright...

I get up and head back to my office as I hear yelling and arguing I then sit in my chair closing my eyes to sleep.

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