Twin Peaks Elementary School

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(A/N: All I know is that there was a high school, idk about elementary or middle, the hell with it.)

The very next morning, I woke up to the sound of knocking.

"Cori, time to get up, get dressed," Daddy said behind the door.

I looked at the alarm clock, it was six in the morning...well...I gotta get signed up for school. I wore a blue dress with white stripes on the neck and the short sleeves, my first day of school best. Yesterday evening, we shopped for a backpack, notebooks, folders, and pencils, so I'm fully prepared for school. When I put my shoes on, Daddy knocked again.

"Sweetie, are you dressed?"


He opened the door, looked at what I was wearing, and put his thumb up. He was wearing a suit, a tan colored trenchcoat, had his FBI ID on him.

"Good job, you look cute. Where's your brush?"


"Can you run and get it for me so I can fix your hair?"


I ran to the bathroom and ran back with my brush. Daddy was sitting on the bed. He sat me on his lap, he brushed my hair for me.

"You'll be doing this yourself very soon."

"I will."

"I hope so."

"Me too."

He chuckled, I joined him.

We arrived at the elementary school, and the front office. Daddy left his gun in the car before we walked in.

"Can I help you?"

The secretary was a grumpy looking old woman.

"I'm here to enroll my daughter, 4th grade."

"Her name please?"

"Corinne Cooper."

"Alright, the principal Mrs. Young will be right with you."

We sat down in the little waiting area. It was empty for a minute until a little boy my age walked in with a teacher behind him.

"Sit here, I'll let Mrs. Young know you're in here once again."

Uh oh, he's in trouble. The teacher went inside the principal's office.

"Uh oh," Daddy whispered.

The boy looked at us.

"Got hauled in huh?" Daddy asked.

"Hmmhmm," the boy replied.

"What did you do?"

"Pulled the fire alarm while waiting in the hall for homeroom to open up."

"Was it a prank?"

"No, I just wanted to do it."

"You know fire alarms are for fire emergencies, not to be toyed with."

"Are you a cop?"

"Even better."

He showed the kid his ID.

"FBI, Special Agent."

His eyes widened.

"Wow, that's so cool, Special Agent!?"

"Shhh!" The secretary shushed him.

"Dale Cooper, my daughter Corinne, she'll be joining you in class today."

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