End Of Episode

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After dinner at the hotel, Audrey drove me to the Briggs home, I wanted to talk to Bobby, bury the hatchet. I knocked, Major Briggs answered, he was a bald and intimidating man.

"Yeah, what is it at this hour young lady?"

"I'm sorry to bother you and your family Major, but this is important, I wanna talk to Bobby."

"Talk with my son, what for, how do you know him?"

"Me and my friends met him around this time yesterday, I wanted to ask him a question about a classmates missing bike. You see, I'm Agent Cooper's daughter Corinne, Bobby knew that, he took what happened with the interrogation and accusations between them out on me, I just wanna talk this out with him."

"Oh, well he's a tough one to let go grudges."

"Permission to enter your home sir?"


He let me in laughing.

"We just finished dinner so you didn't disturb us at all."

Mrs. Briggs was gathering dishes, Bobby was sitting at the table, as soon as he stood up, he saw me and his dad.

"What the hell is she doing here!?"

"Robert, that's no way to speak to company, especially a child."

"I just wanna talk to you about yesterday, our little spat about my Daddy."

"I'll let you two talk, if there's any shouting or screaming, I'll break it up."

Major Briggs left the dining room, Mrs. Briggs was washing dishes in the kitchen.

"We've got nothing to talk about so just go," Bobby said calmly.

"Bobby please, we gotta talk about this, I don't want us to hate each other. Let's sit at the table and talk."

I sat down across from him.

"Fine, let's talk."

He sat down.

"I thought you said you wouldn't bother me again."

"Well, I don't want it to end like that, I wanna be your friend."

"You're like eight or nine years old, I'm a high school graduate...it's weird."

"Doesn't mean we can't be kind to each other, we don't have to be real close you know. All I ask is that we forgive each other. Look, I understand that you were upset about being arrested-"

"I'm still upset!"

"Let me finish...you were upset and needed to let out some steam, letting it out on me wasn't the right thing to do, you could've punched a tree or a pillow. You know what I do when I'm upset?"


Bobby looked bored and uninterested but I was desperate.

"I count to ten...then from ten, it's better than lashing out at people, it clears your mind. Daddy taught me."

"Who cares?"

"Bobby, you're hurting my feelings, I'm only nine years old, just a kid."

"You're too young and naive to even understand what's going on inside my head or any adults head for that matter."

"Don't underestimate me because I'm a kid, I'm acting more like an adult than you are right now."

"I'm one step closer to roughing you up, I don't care if you're a girl or a kid," he hissed.

I laid my head down and looked up at him.

"Here's what I'm seeing in your head...it's Laura Palmer."

"The fuck are you saying?" He asked confused.

"You're upset about her as well as the police thinking you killed her, but you didn't, nobody knows who but my Daddy will help get to the bottom of it. He was just doing his job and he knows now that you're not the killer. I see that you really miss her, she was the love of your life. I never met her, from what I've heard about her, she was a beautiful young woman inside and out. Her death upsets you a whole lot more than anything. Trust me Bobby, I know what I'm saying."

After a few seconds of blinking eyes, this happened.

"You're right Corinne, it's taking a toll on me, all of us. I've always hated admiting to being wrong, especially to people smaller or weaker than me. Ok...here goes..."

He sighed.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole to you yesterday, I didn't mean it, I was mad and I took it out on you, I'm sorry."

I smiled.

"Alright. Are we okay, are we friends?"

"We're okay, doesn't mean we're friends."

I held out my hand, we shook hands like civil humans.

"Thank you very much, and another thank you for helping us with finding Toby's bike, he got it back. You were such a big help."

"Don't mention it."

"Alrighty then, see ya Bobby."

"See ya."

I started walking but turned around.

"My tenth birthday is in a couple weeks, it would be nice if you'd come to the party at the hotel."

"I'm too old for a kid's party."

"I invited Shelly, Donna, Norma, Sheriff Truman, everyone, you don't have to participate in the games. Heck, I'm not even forcing you to show up, just an offer. I'm being civil with you like we shook on."

He let out a big toothless smile and nodded.

"Thanks kid."

"Don't mention it."

I left the house.

Later that night, I got ready for bed, I had to finish homework a little late, it was ten, I was sleepy. I heard the elevator ding on our floor, Daddy was home. I got in bed, laid on my side, and closed my eyes. Daddy slowly opened the door, checking on me. He walked closer to me assuming I was sound asleep, I felt him give me a kiss on the head, as soon as he raised up, I let him have it.


That startled him.

"Oh my God sweetie, you almost gave your old man a heart attack, I thought you were asleep. What're you doing up so late huh?"

We hugged.

"Bunch of homework and a test to study for."

"Aaaaaahhhhh ok."

"On the plus side, I get to see you before bed."

"That's true baby. I'm sorry you had a busy school day today."

"I should say the same for you Daddy."

"And why is that?"

"I'm sorry you've been busy all week."

"Oh Cori, well we'll get to spend time together all this weekend."


"Pinky promise."

Our pinkies wrapped around each other.

"We'll find tons of stuff to do here."

"I know we will, you always have great ideas, I got it from you!"

He laughed and sighed as he pulled me into a hug.

"I love you so much Cori, you're the best daughter I could ever ask for."

"Yep...I'm the best one in the entire world!"

"The best daughter in the world also needs her rest."

He kissed me on the cheek.

"Good night baby."

"Good night Daddy."

He left the room and I went to sleep.

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