Camp Cretaceous

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Camp Cretaceous: Jurassic World's brand new summer camp experience. Something supposed to give children an unforgettable summer... It did not do that for these seven kids... not in the good way...

With a groan I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. "Five more fuckin' minutes." I muttered as my arm drooped down the side of the bed.

After five more minutes my alarm went off again. I picked up my phone and turned the damned alarm off.

"Good mornin' to me." I muttered as I tossed off my T-shirt and changed into a fresh black one. I quickly grabbed my new grey Jurassic World hoodie and put it on.

After walking into the kitchen, making myself coffee and tossing on my black combat boots I went to the door and grabbed my backpack.

You might ask, how does a sixteen year old live on his own? A person of that age would not be able to acquire living accommodation.

The short version is: The Force can do many wonders. This is not limited to changing a person's thinking and their actions.

The long version is: With the use of mind control... which I had used to allow the realtor to give me his apartment.

After grabbing my jacket, backpack and having locked the door behind me I went to the docks, where me and six other kids were supposed to go on a boat to be taken to Isla Nublar.

I stepped off the bus and was met with the salty smell of the ocean. A little bit away from me was a kid wearing a yellow jacket, he was being dropped off by who I assumed was his mother.

I paced myself to walk behind the kid and his mom, they headed into the same direction as me so I guessed he was one of the other six kids.

The waiting room was.. interesting so to say. It was mostly just all the kids saying goodbye to their parents and the parents making sure they would be okay.

I took a seat on a couch in the corner and put in my earbuds. To my dismay, my peace and quiet was interrupted by the staff.

After being forced to give up my stuff, my phone and earbuds in this case I went to get onto the boat. Followed by the kid in the yellow jacket that I saw earlier and a girl in a black jacket.

(Not interested in writing boat ride.)

"Welcome, to Isla Nublar campers, You are the chosen few, the first kids in the entire world to ever experience the awesomeness... That is Camp Cretaceous." A guy in shorts and a red shirt said enthusiastically.

He also wore a yellow bandana, he pulled the look off quite good if I was honest.

"I know the trip from the mainland was rough on some, Hello Ben," He went on, motioning over to the kid in a green jacket, who was barfing up his breakfast.

"But ya made it! I'm Dave, head counselor." He informed. "You heard that correctly, Head honcho, big shot." He continued, trying to do some 'cool' pose.

Not a minute later a Jurassic World staff truck smashed through the gate that was closing off the island from the docks.

It came to a stop with screeching tires, leaving deep black tire marks on the concrete. A woman came out of said truck.

"Ah, so sorry I'm late. Welcome, campers! I'm Roxie, head counselor of Camp Cretaceous" She said with a tick British accent.

I looked at Dave with a questioning look, which he seemed to pick up on after a second.

Dave chuckles, "Well, it's sort of a co-head counselor sort of situation" he says, looking away in embarrassment.

"Is it?" Roxie asked her partner with a confused frown on her face.

Surviving isn't living... (Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous, Brooklynn x OC)Where stories live. Discover now