Feels Like Home

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***WandaVision House, Kitchen***

Wanda had suggested the three all sit down so that Viv could explain, and they did. For the next thirty minutes, Vision and Wanda listened as the the teen-synthezoid told her story. How she grew from an AI to a synthezoid, just like Vision. Then gaining a new family with becoming an Avenger and saving the world, just like Vision. And having a loving connection with Wanda, being cared for by her.

Just like Vision. As he listened to her story, Vision couldn't help but be impressed by the strength this girl — his daughter, of sorts — and her journey to this moment.

"Well, I must say, you've come quite a long way, my dear!" He commended her, "And from such humble beginnings as well. And to know that you e used your gifts for the good of others makes me very happy!"

The teen-synthezoid smiled at her father's praise and thanked him. "Thanks, Da-...uh, sir."

Viv caught herself mid sentence, unsure of how to address him. This was surprising to her. For as long as she could remember, she had "dreamt" of meeting Vision, hugging him, conversing with him as she was now. But despite the amount of excitement she had built up for this moment, she hadn't given much thought toward what she would call him...or how he would react to calling him her "dad."

Because of this, there was some hesitation. But Vision picked up on this and reached his hand over to hold hers.

"Vivian, I realize that your life hasn't exactly been normal," he began, causing Viv to look up at him, "and this probably isn't the most ideal way in which a...in which a father meets his daughter for the first time."

If Viv needed air to breathe, she would have been cut short in that moment when she heard Vision.

"But I hope it will help when I tell you that as you speak of the family you've found within your group of friends and your ventures as a young heroine, I couldn't be prouder!"

A smile picked at the corner of Viv's mouth. This was really moving to her. There wasn't anything more Vision could say to make her happier!

"And to know that you are made with part of my coding as well, well, I'd be proud to call you my daughter. And I'd be honored if you would call me your dad."

...Or maybe there was! The smile on the teen-synthezoid's face grew to the point of her coming around the table and enveloping Vision in a long-awaited hug. A hug that Viv had "dreamt of for a long, LONG time. A hug that was immediately returned by Vision. Her father.

"Thank you...Dad!" She whispered into his shoulder.

"You're welcome, my darling." He replied with just as much whisper toned joy as her.

Across from them sat Wanda who watched in tears. This was something she knew Viv had wanted forever, as did she. And now, she had them both.

The two most important people in her life.

Vision and Viv.


***Viv's Room***

A little while later, Wanda had shown Viv to a room that seemed to be made especially for her. The walls were an aquamarine with a white trim, and the floor was a beige carpet.

And the room itself was filled with things that Viv enjoyed. There was a small bookshelf built onto the wall with a rocking chair beside it. And there was also a desk and chair which had all sorts of art supplies.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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