Chapter 2

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Stepping inside classroom Class 2-C, the duo was barraged by voices of gossiping girls and obnoxious boys. Ryuji noticed that the people seemed slightly less horrified by him, while others suppressed a giggle.

"Alright, what's going on here, Kitamura?" Ryuji asked a tall boy with glasses.

"You seemed to have had a run in with the local tiger. Folks here were talking about that, but don't worry; I went ahead and told people that you aren't a bad guy." He said, pointing to a small group of kids in the back consisting of Kihara, Kashi, a boy with long, unkempt blue hair, and a skinny, rat faced boy with glasses and freckles.

"Aren't the Palmtop Tiger and Takasu so cool?" The boy with messy hair asked.

"I hear that Takasu is not a thug; he just looks like a bad guy." The other one said.

"Seriously?" One of the girls doubted.

"See, they're warming up to you." Kitamura noted.

"You might want to thank that tiger girl later." Y/N said.

"I'd rather avoid her at all costs."

"Oh, who is this?"

After introducing his new friend to the class President, Ryuji took a seat in one of the desks closer to the center. Kitamura pointed to a vacant seat in the back row.

"You have any questions; don't be afraid to ask me." He said to the newcomer.

After sitting at the desk in question, Y/N took in his surroundings. He was seated right next to the group from earlier, who were now gathered around the desk to his left. Kihara made eye contact with the new kid, motioning for him to come over to her group.

She and her friend introduced him to the boys. The guy with the long, messy hair was Kōji Haruta, a laid back student that barley did any work. On the other hand, the kid with the brown hair and glasses was Hisamitsu Noto. They seemed alright, as they allowed him into their group.

"I'm guessing you got caught up in that mess back there." Noto asked, pointing with his thumb to the door.

"Oh, it's no big deal. Ryuji seems to be doing better now. By the way, do you guys really think he's some kind of criminal?"

"Honestly, I did before." Haruta admitted.

Before he could condemn him. Y/N turned towards the doorway, seeing an adorable redhead practically burst through the door with limitless energy. For just a second, he was startled by the noise. This little heart attack was replaced by dread when he noticed who was right behind her.

A girl with brown hair, white skin, big eyes with brown pupils, and a short stature followed close behind. Of course, it was the Palmtop Tiger, most likely stalking her next prey, the loud redhead. Shaking away the fear, he used his head to indicate the first girl.

"Who's that nutcase?"

"Nutcase? You're missing out, man." Haruta sighed, dreamily.

Nanako responded by elbowing the weirdo. Meanwhile, Noto responded to Y/N.

"That's Minori Kushieda, captain of the girls' softball team. She's fairly popular around here. So, don't be surprised if you see some poor, unfortunate soul try to confess to her pretty soon."

"Is she brutal about it?"

"Not really. There's just a lot of competition, and so far, no one has won her over."

"Don't worry; I'm not interested." He teased.

"That's what they all say." Nanako sighed.

"All right, what can you tell me about the girl next to her?" Y/N asked.

The Tiger of Happiness (Taiga Aisaka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now