1) beginning of the past

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This is my first fanfiction and not the best so don't judge(I also changed the story plot a bit)
To add to the dramaticness you could listen to Guns for hire by Woodkid as you read.

Tw? Description of violence.

Shouts echoed throughout my house, upsetting my little sister, Marie,and making her cry. My ma stomped her heels on the tiled kitchen floors as she walked to the blue glass window to see about all the commotion while I continued to colour in my colouring book.

Bang! Bang!

Abrupt gun shots rang out from the bridge. I jumped and my pencil created a dark red line across the page. My sister cried even louder than before, causing my mom to rush over and try to quiet her down. My heart beat loudly in my head as I stood and ran to her side.

"Mom! What's happening!?" The shots reminded me of fireworks and I hate fireworks.

"It's just some gun shots, you shall be fine," Her face said otherwise.

Our house was situated by the entrance of the bridge, just close enough to be in the center of trouble, whether it was from us or from the undercity.
So it was no surprise that when a war started on the bridge that we were to be included in the chaos. My mom knew this, I didn't.


The side of our house split, hit by a cannon ball. Wood and brick scattered everywhere, a water pipe split open causing a pool of now muddy water to form on the tile.The roof started to whither and cave in. My ma cried out, lying on the ground as some of the wall had collapsed on her leg. Dust was held in the air since there was no wind. I screamed and took Marie in my arms, covering her head with my hand still holding my red crayon.

" LEAVE! GO! YOU'LL GET CRUSHED!" Her face layered in white dust.

"MA!" I screamed, scared and worried, but took off out the now tattered door frame, carrying my sister who still cried.

I felt a sharp sting on my upper arm and when I looked down I saw large jagered cut. Blood dripped down my skin, mixing with the dirt from the crumbling roof. I cried for help to only be met by shots and bangs. I didn't know where or who to go to and so when I saw an enforcer I scrambled after him.

"SIR! SIR! MY MOM!" I was breathing hard from the rubble in the air.

He turned, his armor clanking and banging, his glare was strong but he just passed us. Confused I ran after him again, while panic consumed me. He turned and pointed his shotgun at my head placing his finger on the trigger, not faulting once to take pity on a child and infant. Suddenly a strong, firm hand punched his helmet, knocking him to the ground and into a puddle...puddle of blood. I lifted my head and looked around me, I was on the bridge, surrounded by dead bodies who had arms blown out of their sockets, leaving a puddle of blood and flesh on the concrete, children shot in the head, holding relatives who had the same fate.

"W-what?" I was shocked. I had no idea why there were dead bodies, or why ma was in pain when we left, or why an enforcer tried to kill me.

"A topsider kid," a deep gruff voice said to themself as he walked forward.

He took my head in his hands and said to take a letter and give it to some guy named Vander and to not trust the enforcers or they will kill me thinking I'm from the undercity.

"I'm taking pity on you kid, this will help both you and me." He said as he took off into the red smoke surrounding all the buildings.

I knew to trust him even though he wore clothes of the undercity barbarians, and even though he told me to not trust those I was told to since I was an infant. Even though he wasn't an adult, but what else was I supposed to do?

I ran through the thick, red smoke, holding my sister tight against my now white, dusty shirt. I ran through the wall of enforcers who, as soon as they spotted me, shot their rifles. I ran until I heard a child's voice singing. I stopped running to listen to the melody, ignoring the enforcers closing in on me behind my back.

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