2) a day of only sorrow

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" Dear friend across the river,
My hands are cold and bare.
Dear friend across the river,
I'll take what you can spare.
I ask of you a penny,
My fortune it will be.
I ask you without envy.
We raise no mighty towers.
Our homes are built of stone.
So come across the river,
And find..."

I was tackled to the ground, almost crushing Marie who was still crying in my arms. I looked up from the bloody ground to see many enforcers had surrounded me. I had no way to see their expressions but their manner had changed. Maybe they had realized I was holding a baby, or perhaps they realized I was not who they thought I was.

Their cold, armored hands made my skin crawl as they yanked me off the ground. I felt my head go light and my vision start to go black from the sudden movement but I regained my posture as they dragged me to the line of fully armed enforcers with killing clearly on their mind.

"What are you doing pondering about this child?" A loud voice said( most probably a commander ) and strode over to us.

"These are our kids, sir. They must have been lost in all the fighting. Look at their clothes and jewelry. She also carries a crayon from one of the local shops..."

The commander looked at me closer and gasped as he seemed to recognize me. I had no clue who this man was, mainly because he was covered head to toe with armor.

" I know this child, and I am very close with her uncle. Take the girl and the baby to get cleaned up." With that he turned and walked away.

"Yes sir."


I was brought into one of the enforcers quarters and was presented to a very pale and fragile woman. Her smile seemed to almost fall off as she was too weak to hold it on. Her eyes sunk into her eye sockets and her bones almost went through her skin. Although she looked like a mean and harsh lady she was very kind and gentle.

She bathed me and my sister, trying to distract us from the continuing gun shots. She fed us and clothed us, she even gave me a colouring book. I was still not satisfied though as i wanted to know where ma was and why she wasn't coming to hold me and Marie like she always does. I asked the lady( whose name I forgot ) but she just said to wait.

Hours passed until the lady got word about my ma, I was happy but the look on her face changed my mood immediately.


Ma.... ma was dead. Gone. Never coming back. I felt sick. My throat hurt as tears began to roll off my chin. I had asked why and was only answered with a pitiful face.

I ran through the back door, out onto the stone walkway, out the small side gate and into the now mostly empty streets. I ran until i reached my house, now broken and battered. I scrambled around looking for ma but didn't find her. My breath quickened as I started to have a panic attack, my heart beat in my ears as I sat on the floor covered in debrie and let the sun warm my cold skin.

I opened my eyes to see a man above me, holding his cap against his heart.

" I am sorry about your mother kid," he apologized," but your sister is not well at the moment and Mrs. May needs you to help her ."

"IS MY SISTER OK!?" My panic caused him to shake his head sharply.

"Your sister is going to be fine."

I took a deep breath and followed him back to the building. As I stepped into the room I felt quite embarrassed that I had cowardly ran away, but no one mentioned the incident.

The lady had me do things like put on herbs on my sister's wounds that I didn't even know existed, and change her nappy. Although we took care of her well she got worse as her wounds had got infected. Many doctors visited her and I started to worry more and more.
One morning as I awoke in my small bed I noticed Marie was not in her cradle like she always was, I jumped out of bed and ran down the staircase to see three doctors surrounding a bundle of blankets.

" MARIE!! NO!!" I shouted as I sprinted toward the doctors but the old lady held out her arm to tell me to not intervine, but I didn't care and pushed her arm away easily and pushed away the doctors to hold my sister.

"Hold her back!" I heard a woman say and was taken and locked in another room.

"LET ME SEE MY SISTER!! WHAT DID YOU DO!!" I screamed for minutes on end until I lent against the wooden door and slid to the icy floor, and cried there for hours.

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