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Paul and I had managed to stop the truck several blocks down. The driver was wary at first, but our ACME credentials spoke louder than our appearance. Knee deep in rubbish, we listened for the faint ping coming from Paul's communicator now that we were in close enough range.

"Got it." he announced, holding it up in the air triumphantly. The screen was badly damaged but still illuminated.

We thanked the very confused driver and left, smiling at each other with relief.

"Well, I've had my excitement for tonight. I'm heading to the dorms."

"Ditto." he agreed. "Could really use a shower."

I gave him a once over. "I'd say."

We rode by scooter back to the Agency, the Poriot building beautifully illuminated against the blue black sky. Parking the scooters a few blocks away, we walked past security, following the path back to the dorm.

"Thanks, Red." Paul said, once we reached our floor. "I know you must have questions..."

"She's not the only one."

I recognized the voice immediately, but we turned around slowly, facing a very irritated looking Chase Devineaux.

"In my office. Fifteen minutes." He looked us both up and down, sniffing. "This better be good."

"Yes sir." we choroused.

Entering our room, Paul opened his mouth but I rested a warning finger on his smooth lips, unsure if anyone was lingering outside of our door.

"How long would it take you to swap your communicator's data with mine?" I whispered.

"I'm not sure," he answered. "Why?"

"Do it, and leave me the cracked one." I placed mine on his desk. "Trust me."

Paul nodded wordlessly, and got to work. Meanwhile, I went to the bathroom to freshen up, brushing the alcohol tinge off my tongue as I thought of how best to frame the situation. As much as I was curious - and concerned - about the events of tonight, I already had enough details for my half truths. Any further information would cloud things with the emotions it would bring.

I met Paul downstairs. He was waiting with an escort, who I remembered seeing interning with the Director. Despite the fact that she was clearly sleep deprived I found her to be stunning, with high set cheekbones and blue gray eyes that blinked in mutual recognition.

"I know my way around." I told her cheerfully, adjusting the cracked communicator around my wrist. "No need for the royal treatment."

"The Director doesn't want you taking any detours." she explained.

"Now, why would I do that?"

"He told me you in particular might think you have a lifeline or two."

"No, probably not tonight." I playfully sighed, following her footsteps. "We both know anyone with real pull doesn't work weekends if they can help it."

She tittered, despite herself. "I hope you two make out okay. Devineaux is not happy."

"I don't think that's a feeling he experiences in general." After we shared a few more giggles, I slowed down, encouraging Paul to lag behind as well, just out of earshot.

"Leave the talking to me." I urged him. "No matter what."

"The transfer was incomplete, I didn't have enough time....I think we only swapped the interface and data for the last few hours."

"That's fine." I breathed. "If I sell the story well enough he won't dig."

"But if he does dig...."

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