Chapter 13

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Ben’s P.O.V.

After we all ate, I told Cam, Same, and James that Danny and I would pay for everything, so they could leave. I felt like I should ask Danny what he and Cam talked about.

It was silent for a few minutes before the waitress came with the bill.

“Was everything okay for you guys?” she asked.

Danny and I looked up at her. He smiled and I spoke, “Yeah, thanks love.”

I gave her a half-hearted smile and grabbed the bill. When she turned and left, I looked back at Danny who was already eyeing me.

“Something wrong, love?” he asked.

I looked down and played with my fingers. “What did you and Cam talk about yesterday?” I asked.

He coughed a bit while rummaging through his wallet. I peeked up at him through my hair, waiting for a reply. He finally spoke up, “Well… a lot of things I guess.”

I raised my head, along with an eyebrow, “Like what?”

He sighed, “Well, he’s gay.”

My mouth flew open, “What, really? Why didn’t he tell me?” I didn’t know whether to be surprised. I was stunned, speechless.

Danny chuckled a bit, “Yeah, I know. But… he was angry at you because he liked you, I guess. He thought you liked him back. He just got upset I guess.” He seemed to be playing it off as if it wasn’t a big deal. It was a big deal to me, however.

I scrunched my nose up, “I don’t understand why he couldn’t tell me! I mean if I knew he was gay…” I trailed off.

Danny looked up and furrowed his eyebrows, “What do you mean if you knew?”

I sighed a bit, “No, Danny, I’ve always had my eyes on you. I just wouldn’t have been such an arse to him if I knew he was gay.”

He chuckled again, “We should get him a boyfriend.”

I smiled, “That would be lovely. Let’s go back to the bus before the boys get worried.”

We got up and left the café. I checked my phone as we walked through the door. 3 missed calls. Private ID.

“What the fuck?” I whispered under my breath.

Unfortunately, Danny heard me. “What’s wrong, Love?” he asked.

I shook my head and shoved my phone in my pocket, along with my hand. I grabbed Danny’s hand with my other as we walked down the street. It was quiet for a few minutes before Danny spoke up.

“Do you ever think about girls like you did before we got together?” he asked.

I snickered, “Not really. I have too much on my mind; you, the guys, too much for girls. Why love?”

He looked down at his feet, “I don’t know. I don’t really have time either. I mean, I don’t even find any other guys attractive. Would you call that gay?” We both laughed.

“I guess you could say that you’re Bensexual,” I winked. We started laughing more.

“So, what about you, Ben? Are you Dansexual?”  He asked, tapping my bum.

“Well, I must admit, you’re a great fuck. Better than any other bitch. You’re a good snogger, and don’t get me started on you great of a wife you could be!” I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him too my side. “I love you Benj,” he said.


When we came inside, the guys were on the couch, except James was swallowing Rebekah’s tongue.

I threw a pillow at them, “Get in your bunk, you wankers!”

Rebekah giggled and hopped off the couch, pulling James along with her. “Cheeky,” I said, as James passed me.

When they left, Danny sat by Sam and I sat by Cameron. “Cam,” I said as I jumped in his lap, “You’re my best mate, and I want to help you.” He stared at me for a bit, confused. “I am getting you a boyfriend!” I squeaked.

He smiled and hugged me, “I told James and Sam.”

Danny and I looked at each other, our faces lit up with excitement. “Don’t you feel better now that everyone knows?” we asked.

Cameron smiled again, “Yeah! I’m sorry. I love you mates.”

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