Chapter 15

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Danny’s P.O.V.

I woke up on the floor; our bus was trashed. Stumbling to our bunk, I found Ben, sleeping in a ball.

“Holy hell… What time is it?” I whispered to myself.

I checked my phone; it was only 12 in the afternoon. Everyone would be asleep until at least 3, so I could get a few more hours of sleep in. Ben stirred a bit while I climbed in bed, eventually curling up next to me. I wrapped my arms around him as usual, but I noticed that he was still wearing his pants from last night. Was he really that plastered? I didn’t even see him at all.

I laid back, thinking about what happened last night. I could only remember little dabs in between…

Danny’s Flashback

“Cameron, what are you d-doing?” I slurred, almost yelling, but laughing.

“Just come here, Danny! Pleaseee?” he whimpered at me, pulling me into the back of the bus.

I giggled a bit and went along with it. What was he doing?

“Cam, where are you taking me? I demand to know!” I giggled again.

Cameron started running, pulling me along with him. I was confused, but still went along with it. My vision was blurred; I didn’t have a proper sense of what was going on…

 Danny’s P.O.V.

I tried thinking harder of what happened after that. My head was hurting even more, but I really needed to know what had happened.

After a few minutes of contemplating whether I should ask Cameron about it or not, another thought had retained in the back of my mind.

Danny’s Flashback

I was lying underneath Cameron, we were on the floor. He was sitting up and throwing pillows at me. I didn’t think anything wrong of it, of course I was drunk. But what happened next didn’t shock me at all.

Cameron had stopped with his pillow chucking and just sat on top of me in silence. I waited for something to happen. I wanted anything to happen to break this awkwardness. As I wished in my head, and stared at him with inquiring eyes, Cameron leant down, with all of his body’s force on mine.

I closed my eyes, wanting it to happen. His lips brushed mine, and then pulled into a greater force.  Our bodies rocked back and forth as our lips crawled in unison. My hands traveled to his hips and his to my chest and shoulders. His lips explored the lower parts of my neck and jaw, skimming over every inch of skin.

Danny’s P.O.V.

I sat back in the bed, stroking Ben’s arm as thoughts and realizations had flooded over me.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” kept repeating in my head, “Danny, do you realize what you’ve done? Wait until Ben finds out! He’ll be crushed. Do you realize that you made him happy again, and now you’re going to fuck him over?”

I had to tell him. I had to tell him about both times we kissed. I really hope last night had only gone to kissing. I wanted nothing more, right? I couldn’t, I loved I Ben. I needed him, and he needed me.

My head was pounding, I was confused and nothing seemed to be going right. I hoped out of the bunk to get some pain killers, trying not to fall. It was quite hard trying not to lose consciousness. I slipped four or five pills in my mouth and waddled back to the bunk. Ben was still asleep, cuddled in a ball. He stirred a bit when I snuck my arms around him. My eyelids dropped and I slowly lost sense of everything. 

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