The Breaking Point

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Today I woke up with a bad feeling in my stomach. I don't know is going to happen, but so feel like someone is going to piss me off more than last time.


I was sitting under my tree like usual, but then my brothers and sisters came over. I know they are my "bullies" but I can't get angry at them I know their reasoning. As they walked over to me

Sho asked " Hey DEKU do you still want to be a hero?! Choose wisely or else you are going to regret it!"

"You can't and won't change my mind." I said. Over time I decided against the entire stuttering act and just act like I care about what they say but not show it on my face, it all came of in words.
They all wore a sinister smile on their faces and  start to FUCKING BLOW UP MY TREE! By the time I was out of my shock my tree wasn't even in the ground! I was angry not I WAS PISSED. I turned to look at them my hair shadowing my eyes. I looked up at them with the most pissed of face and emotionless eyes.
"YOU ALL FUCKING SUCK!!! I HATE YOU GUYS!" I yelled out before running away. I ran into a forest and found myself a cave. I put a mirage over the cave entrance and started a fire and made a bed. I sobbed for hours that night. I loved that tree I could grow another one but that tree was were my happiest memories with my family were. It will never be the same.


"Guys is-is onii-chan gon-gonna be ok." I cried out. I have never see him look so upset and sad before. I knew why he loved this tree, but he needs to learn that at any moment a quirk can beat any/every thing you care about in a small amount of time.

Katsumi: Well, I think we might have gone too far this time, but he will come around. Right?

Shoto: Actually I think he might actually hate us. He has never and I mean NEVER lashed out before

Katsuki: The damn nerd will understand. I hope.

Shota: Of course he will, I mean it's Izuku we're talking about. Right

Non of us could come up with a real conclusion. When we got home I asked mommy if should saw nii-chan.

" Hey kaa-san, has Izuku come home yet?" I asked

Inko: I haven't seen him yet dear" she forced out a smile

"Oh...okay" I stammered out

Inko: What's wrong dear, did he hurt someone again today! I swear I am going to give him a peice of my mind!"

"NO, no, he just..uhm... we kinda... hurt his feeling today." Why did I say that!!!

Inko: Oh.. well I'm sure he will forgive you honey, I mean it's Izuku" she stated with a smile

I guess she's right he will be home later. As I go to my room, I started to wonder when he would come home. I waited...and waited...waited some more... I looked over at the time 9pm. Well I guess I will have to apologize to him tomorrow. With that last thought I drift into my dreaming sleep of me on MY onii-chan


I returned home after 3 days. I never looked at Izumi, I was still upset. Once I got to my room Izumi was following me I turned around
"If you plan to apologize, then keep it. I don't plan on forgiving you any time soon." I stated in a stern voice that visibly made her shiver

"B-bu-ut nii-chan I!" I cut her before she could continue

"BUT WHAT IZUMI!!" I yelled
She was shocked I never EVER use her full name

"You don't understand, right now I need to be alone. See you in school tomorrow." I stated before close the door and going to sleep

The next day at school goes as follows. Get yelled at my Inko for making Izumi cry, skip breakfast because Bit- I mean Inko told me to go to school early, get a 'talking to' from the teacher about my absenc and for "destroying the school property", do the extra class work, get beat up, go to the roof, go back to class, get abused, go home, create food, heal myself and sleep. Before so sleep I thought to myself 'I need to got get angry or else my family will be sad'

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