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Katsuki has had 3 owners
1. (Sakura) she was a model and constantly made Katsuki wear itchy thick costumes. She made Katsuki dance and pose even though he could hardly move if he couldn't she would hit him. She found a girl cat and replaced him.

2.(Kai) Kai wasn't bad just dumb. He constantly made his brother do all his chores and his brother was the bad one. He never noticed bruises or blood on Katsuki and couldn't properly care for him when his brother wasn't there he would forget to feed Katsuki at times. Katsuki was taken away by not being properly cared for.

3.(Itsuki)Itsuki was kind and understanding sadly she passed away when she got into a car accident leaving Katsuki with her brother...Izuku Midoriyia

Katsuki is a neko btw. At the moment he is with Izuku who apparently is his new owner he prays Izuku will be like Itsuki

And that's where we are now!

New owner..? (DKBK) ~hiatus~Where stories live. Discover now