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As I flicker my eyes open I turn
to the side to see leorio gone. I wonder where he could have gone. I thought to myself. As I slowly get up from the hammock I turn around to see a bunch of men who also want to join the hunter exam. How boring I thought. As I exit the room I find myself in a hallway seeing a mysterious blonde boy. Or..girl? He looked sort of intriguing so I walked up to him and asked for their name. "Hello! My names Y/n, I'm trying out for the hunter exam, what about you?" I asked. "I see, y/n was it? My name is Kurapika I am also taking the hunter exam." He replied. Am I stupid?! 'of course he's also taking the hunter exam that's why he's on this boat.' "Now if you'll excuse me I'd best be going." He replied as he walked off. 'Awe man I wanted to talk to him more, oh well. I'll go look for that old man.' As I walk around the halls to look for leorio I hear thunder. 'Is there a storm?' I walk into a different room to see kurapika, and leorio. Kurapika in a hammock, while leorio eating an apple. "Leorio!" I shouted. "Look who finally woke up." He grinned. "Is there a storm?" I asked. "Yeah, and a really big one at that." He replied. "Well let's hope it calms down." I reply. As the boat rocks the waves getting bigger and bigger every single applicant started to get seasick. It's just a little storm why is everyone panicking? I thought as I hear the door open reveling a boy with a very green outfit. Who the hell where's that much green? "Here Mr. Katzo! Chew on these herbs they helped me back on my island!" The boy gleamed. He seems nice I wonder if I should ask for his name. I thought while I heard someone walk in. "The four of you, I wish to speak with you." The sailor asked for Me, the boy, leorio and kurapika. I wonder what this old man wants.

"What are your names?" The sailor asks. "My names Gon! I come from Whale island i'm going to become a hunter to find my dad! He's also a hunter!" Gon shouted. Gon shouted raising his hand. Gon huh..? Cool name! "My names Y/n!" I reply. "Why do we have to tell you anything? Huh old man?" Leorio asked. I shoved him. "That's not polite!" I whispered. "I don't give a crap! He's asking for personal information! It's not like he's part of the hunter exam." Leorio explained. "Suite yourself then. Katzo! Tell headquarters we have 2 new dropouts." The sailor shouted. "Wait, what?" Leorio dumbfounded. "The hunter exam has already started. Didnt you realize?" The sailor explains. "It has?!" Kurapika shouts. "In order to take the exam I must give the go ahead. Unless you changed your mind's?" He explained. "Alright, alright fine. My names Leorio." Leorio gave in. "And you?" The sailor asked kurapika. "My name is Kurapika." Kurapika replied. "And what is y'all's reason for taking the hunter exam?" The sailor asked. "That is personal information that I will not be sharing." Kurapika replied. "Either get off this boat or say your reason." The sailor demanded. A long pause before kurapika replied, "I am from the Kurta clan. My tribe was brutally assassinated by the spiders, and I wish to seek vengeance. And by doing that I will become a blacklist hunter." 'Well that took a dark turn..' "So basically your looking for revenge!you don't need to become a hunter to do that!" Leorio replied. "Foolish, Hunters have access to information,go places restricted, take actions only they could take. There's more but that's all your small brain would be able to process." Kurapika replied coldly. "Why you little.." Leorio whispered charging at kurapika while gon stopped him. "Why do you want to be a hunter Mr.leorio?" Gon asked. "Well isn't it obvious?! Obviously for the money! You can get anything and everything! A new car, A luxury mansion!, And top alcohol drinks!" Leorio shouted. 'He's so dumb' "If only money could buy class. Leorio."

"That was three times. Meet me outside time to finish the filthy kurta bloodline." Leorio replied to kurapika. "Take that back! Leorio." Kurapika shouted. "It's Mr. Leorio." Leorio replied while the both of them walked out. "Hey wait! Leorio!" I shouted. Gon stopped me. "Let them go, my aunt mito once told me 'if you want to get to know someone find out what makes them angry' this is something they have to work out for themselves." He said to me. I just stood there and nodded. While I was talking with gon for a few minutes a crew member shouted, "Sir! There's a whirlpool heading straight for us!" "What?! Everyone set the sails!" The captain shouted. As the crew members ran to there places gon and me asked "What can we do to help?!" "You kids help with pulling the sail to, hurry!" The captain shouted. As me and gon rushed out helping the other crew members I see in the corner of my eye Leorio, and kurapika shouting. As I was focused on them I missed a crew member flying straight off the ship! Kurapika and Leorio try to grab him, but barley miss. As I felt sorry for the member gon rushed off the boat grabbing katzo (the crew member) as kurapika and Leorio grab his feet barley. I sigh in relief as I noticed they were okay.
~Time skip~
"What the hell were you thinking?! What would've happened if me an kurapika missed?!" Leorio shouted at gon. "It's okay though! You both caught me, together." As kurapika and Leorio stood in silence the both apologize "I'm sorry for what I said earlier.. That was wrong of me." Leorio apologized. "It's alright, and I am also sorry, Mr. Leorio." Kurapika said smiling. As they made up I couldn't help but say "Are you guys gay?" "SERIOUSLY Y/N?!" Leorio shouted. I laughed at his response to my question. I hear footsteps approaching us, "Thank you for saving my life gon!" Katzo Thanked gon. "It wasn't just me it was kurapika and Leorio too!" Gon shouted in delight. "Your right! Thank you so much." Katzo continued. "It's no problem!" Leorio smiled while kurapika nodded. "You four are very amusing!" The captain laughed. "You all get to take the hunter exam." He stated. "Alright!" Gon jumped in joy. "Heck yea!" I shouted throwing my hands in the air.

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