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Louie comes to the park again and leaves 50k in the brown envelope in the park and goes back to his house.

His heart is trembling.
He is a law abiding citizen.

He didn't know that one day he would become a horrible criminal.

"It's for the future. I'm just helping him. I'm helping. I'm helping." He angrily repeated in his head.

He was so scared that he didn't even eat dinner.
If he had those two gangsters' numbers, he would have called and told them to abort the mission.

"Louie Villalos, you are under arrest for attempted kidnapping."

"No! I just want to help him!"

"You will be executed!"



Louie smashes the alarm clock and his eyes are bloodshot.
His heart is trembling.
"I'm done for. I'll get caught." He lay down on his bed and sighs.

"Young Master, are you awake? There is a letter in the mailbox for you."

Louie sat up.
That's from the gangster!

He hurriedly opened the door and snatched the letter then slammed the door.

Betty angrily snorts and leaves.

Louie torns the letter and looked inside.

[Tonight, we will deliver the boy to you. Prepare the money]

Louie grits his teeth and picks up the letters he has torn. He went to the bathroom and tore the paper to pieces and dropped it on the toilet. Flush.

He takes a deep breath.
"They are not that stupid to get caught right?"

Louie is listless while eating.
"Young master, I want to ask for a leave."

Louie frowns.
He looks at the sad looking woman.
'You take vacations so often. Telling me your this and that is sick. Are all your relatives sickly?'

"How long will you be gone?" He asks.

"A month."

"A mont---" he wants to ask this Nanny how she can still act like she is wronged. Who tooks a one month vacation? Are you a corporal boss?
He remembers his plan to kidnap someone and smiles.

"It's like this, young master. My daughter-in-law will be giving birth and there's no one to take care of my grandchildren at home. My son is working far away."

-Is his pay better than yours?

"Okay." He doesn't want to fight with her. There is no other way. If he refuses, she will just leave without permission. 

There is no more willful Nanny than this one. If her cooking is not good, he will really convince his father to fire her.

"Really?" The Old Woman blinks.

Louie smiles.
"Yes. Ofcourse. I'll tell dad."

"T-thank you, young master." Betty gave him a genuine smile but Louie didn't look at her more.

Betty didn't wait and packed his clothes.
She looks like she will go on a resort vacation rather than taking care of her grandchildren. Well, he knows taking care of her grandchildren is just an excuse.

He is all alone in the house and feels insecure.
Today he really needs to make a perfect crime.

When the night falls, he opens the television in the living room and anxiously waits for the two gangsters.

He already opened the front gate so they don't need to call.

It's in the middle of the night when he heard the door creaking.
His heart is beating so fast.

The door opened.

"We got him." The huge man said and put the boy in the sack,down.

"Why is he not moving? D-did you kill him?" He angrily backs away.

"He is unconscious. We are not murderers. We don't kill people." The other goon rolled his eyes.

"Where is the money?"

"Here." Louie gives the money.
"Be quiet as you go out." He grits his teeth and opens the sack. The boy is really unconscious but he is breathing.

"Aren't you going to ask about his stepdad?"

Louie paused.
"Ah? How is he?"

"We kicked him so badly. Maybe he has a broken rib or something. But we didn't hurt the woman and the baby. Only destroy their furniture and the appliances in the living room."

"Good." Louie just needed a reason to take this guy away.

"What will you do to him? This may sound weird from someone like me but.Even if you are mad with his stepdad you should not do something like this." The gangster said.

"Leave." He doesn't need them anymore.
One gangster gave him an envelope, it's also part of their deal. It's some documents, birth certificates of the whole family and the boy's school documents.
They don't know why Louie needs it but it's not that hard to get. When they threatened that woman, she easily gave everything, even her husband's death certificate.

Louie tries to pull the guy upstairs. He is not as light as he expected but he is still able to carry him upstairs.

Putting him on his bed. Louie feels distressed.

"You have more wounds today. What dream? You really will die. How can't you think of escaping?"

Louie knows but he refused to acknowledge it. Living in the street is no better than living in that house. No, it's worse. Maybe this boy knows that, that's why he never attempted to leave.

Adrian wakes up in a fluffy cloud.
He feels so light headed.
Last night, he thought he would die. Or maybe he did die.
Two armed men came to their house and beat his Uncle. Then they threatened his stepmother. He was also taken away.
He keeps praying he would live. He wanted to live.
No matter how harsh the world is.

"Oh? You are awake?"

Adrian gapes at the guy he met at the park 2 days ago.


Louie sees his confused face.

"I kidnapped you."

Adrian remembers what happened last night.
He backs away.

"Ah." Louie scratches his head. He knows this is the right reaction.
"Well, you need to follow anything I say from now on."

Adrian's eyes are wet with tears.
He feels so miserable.

Louie angrily frowns.
"Why are you crying?! I save you,okay?! From now on nobody will hurt you! So why are you crying?"

Adrian gapes at Louie.
"Why are you doing this to me?"

Louie grits his teeth.
"Wash your face and change clothes. I bought some clothes for you. Then get down and eat. I cook something for breakfast."

Louie walked out and slammed the door.



Louie : So angry! So angry!

Adrian : If You get abducted and the kidnapper tell you he is saving you will you just smile and say,wow thank you?

Louie: ......

I Kidnapped the Billionaire's SonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang