Chapter Seven: Fight

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The new EMF reader had become a permanent staple to the class as a whole, even to Aizawa. The class wasn't surprised at all to find that the man had become just as fond of Izuku as the rest of them had.

Mei truly was a blessing. A hurricane in human form and a chatterbox with no off switch, but a blessing nonetheless. The new EMF worked like a charm. Izuku was clearer than ever before, and during quiet time - with enough pleading looks and promises to behave - Aizawa would set the EMF reader on his desk, not recording, so they could see the antenna shift about the room like it was attached to an invisible string. Everyone's attention was split between their work and the EMF, and they had to suppress their excitement and nervousness when Izuku hovered close.

Some days, if Aizawa was feeling especially soft, they would have free time to themselves during class. Days where they had proper hero training in the training grounds and days where they had free time to chat with Izuku were the students' favorite. They would all push their desks in a rough circle, put the EMF reader with the person doing the most talking - either Iida, Yaomomo, or on the rare occasion Bakugo - and they would just sit around, relaxing and asking the little ghost any question they could think of while they casually worked on their homework.

Izuku seemed just as appreciative. As soon as class free time would be announced, the lights would buzz and flicker briefly, a clear sign he was excited, and they would laugh and tease as they set up their desks. Aw, someone's excited for some company .

They would ask Izuku minor things at first. Things like his favorite color and food - those paying attention saw Bakugo mouth 'Katsudon' along with Izuku with an exasperated eye roll - and they would teasingly ask who his favorite student was, everyone groaning and laughing in disbelief when Izuku called out " K̢aach̵an! K̴a͟ac͞han! " as the antenna moved over to Bakugo. Kaminari and Kirishima jokingly asked for answers to questions they got stuck on, and looked absolutely thrilled when Izuku gave a correct answer, according to the class president. At least until Aizawa immediately banned asking Izuku for help on homework or tests.

Shinsou, during one of said moments, asked the kid if he knew their names or not, which prompted the entire class to do a roll call of sorts, and Izuku called out Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, and Katsuki with childish pride in his voice. The bakusquad squealed and laughed with one another while the others pouted good naturedly.

Bakugo grinned into his palm.

Their questions would turn serious on occasion. Things like if he remembered his living life, if he was happy where he was. Mina was brave enough to ask if Izuku knew All Might or if something had happened, to the slight disapproval of the rest of the class. But Izuku answered honestly, if not vaguely.

" We̢ ̢m̴e͢t on͝ce. ̵B́ad ҉męmo͏ri҉e̛s͝ ͜mák̀e ̕m͢e̴ s̛a̵d,̶ um, but I̴ d̢o̢n'̀t̕ no̕t̕ ͟líke him! "

He wouldn't say anything else on the matter. The class didn't push.

Iida, with a curious smile, asked if Izuku had a favorite teacher yet. When they played back the recording, they all turned to their teacher with swelling hearts.

" Aiza͜w̢a҉! He҉'̵s rea͞ll̕y ̢n͘i̡ce, h̨e̴ ͜st̴ays͝ ̀with̴ me ҉when͝ n̶ob̸ody'̕s he̴rè. "

The new EMF reader was a staple in their classroom. With that being said, there were more than a few close calls with the fragile machine.

Kaminari, after nearly dropping the thing onto the floor and overcharging it twice , was strictly banned by both Bakugo and Yaoyorozu from ever handling it again. Satou almost crushed it by accident, and Mina almost tripped over it during one of the after school chats. Each time the perpetrator would get scolded about being careful, and each time their hearts leaped into their throats when they thought the EMF had been broken. Relief was palpable in the classroom when it was discovered that the machine was safe.

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