The start of his life

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In this AU, Shoyo is a man that can give to a child due to some circumstance and his special body condition.

""Talking with someone

--is doing


~~in a chat


Hinata got pregnant in his third year of high school. He left the school due to the reason and took a private lesson with the help of his parents.

He was afraid of telling his parents at first but then he gathered her courage and told him anyway.

He was grateful when his parents accepted him anyways and he was told that they already know about his condition.

They were very shocked to know that but they accept him anyway and love him regardless of that.

He continues his private lessons and is able to graduate with flying colors.

Before continuing his study at his dream university, he takes a short break in about half month so that he would be able to give birth and get rest from the labor.

After the break, he then attended the university and continued his life as a university student for three years and was able to graduate there with a great grade.

Btw, he got a son and was named Keiji.

While on his study, he takes care of him together with his parents.

Sometimes he would take care of his son, himself but when he got things to do outside, he would leave Keiji at his parents house.

After three years...

" Hello, my name is Hayato Shoyo".

He introduced himself with a fake identity.

" Welcome to the team, Hayato-kun".

The leader said, welcoming him to the accounting team.

The other employees then started to introduce themselves and their role in the company.

" Welcome to the team Hayato-kun".

The person that he was sitting beside in the team said welcoming him with a big smile.

She then continued doing her job. Hinata thanks her as he sits down on the chair.

*What to do now?*

Hinata looks around to see all of his teammates are busy with their work.

" Hayato-kun can you come here for a moment?".

The team leader called on him with a serious team that made him feel nervous.

" Don't worry. She is a very kind person".

The girl beside him said wanting to calm him down.

" Thank you, Hari-san".

Hinata said with a small but sweet smile on his lips.

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