Hot spring (part 2)

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I don't know why but this hot spring will most likely have four parts so I'm sorry.

"You're still working now, Hari-san? Did Bokuto-san not say anything?".

Hiyori asked out of concern.

She just can't believe it since her due date is already next month but she is still working.

"He's worried but I just can't leave my work like that. I at the very least want to leave when I'm done with all of my work".

"Well you already plan to take maternity leave so I think it's okay now?".

Akari, who was just silent all this time asked.

"Yeah. I hope so".

Before anyone could say anything, Hari asked about Hinata who came with a boy.

"Has Hinata-kun married?"

She, who did not know anything about Hinata, asked a little bit curious.

"Nah. The cute little boy that comes with him is his son".

Akari said while fangirling the cute little boy like how his husband would always say when they talked about Keiji.

"How come he has a son when he has yet to be married? Did he adopt one?"

Hari asked again.

"How do I say this, his body is in the same condition as how a woman's body would be?"

Hiyori said but more like to question her own explanation.

"Did you mean, he can give birth even though he is a man?"

Upon that question from Hari, the other three looked at her and nodded in synchronization.

"Won't it be dangerous to let him together with the other then?".

She seems to be prejudiced about Hinata's condition but they can fully understand since they also like that when they first met with Hinata.

"You don't have to worry Hari-san. Sho-chan already has someone he loves and he is the father of Keiji".

Hikari said and then Hiyori added.

"I've heard that he ran away after knowing he is pregnant so now he is still single to the core and does not want to be in a relationship, still waiting for his loved one".

"Didn't Bokuto-san say anything about this to you?".

As Akari asked, Hari just shook her head.

"Just the typical Bokuto-san I would say. He seems to always leave out the important things like Keiji says".

Hiyori said while chuckling, remembering how her husband would always be in a bad mood when talking to Bokuto in their high school days.

"By the way, did you want to see the picture of Kei-chan's father?"

Hikari asked excitedly while looking at Hari's eyes.

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