Hot spring (part 3)

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Hiyori took out her phone and opened her social media, ready to show Hari the person they were about to talk about.

But before Hiyori could tap the icon of the app, the man comes unexpectedly faster than they would have thought they would.

They gave their drinks and went away leaving the girls again saying that they want to play some game that the owner of the inn prepared there.

"Let's start right away".

Akari said while looking at Hiyori signaling her to show the man that has been on their topics.

She then, without wasting any more of their time, showed her the man that was named Tsukishima Kei.


She showed the blonde boy who is together with his friend.

"Wow, he's handsome".

Hari said without hesitation. She complimented the blonde hair man without even needing to look twice at the picture.

"Haha, I know you would have said it".

Hiyori chuckled. She really does expect that kind of reaction because afterall she was also like that when her husband first showed her the picture.

"Thank god that Bokuto-san is not here right now".

Hikari added remember back the time when she complimented the man in front of her husband and he sulked like a woman in her period.

"Yeah, thank god that he is not here. If not I would need to deal with his emo mode".

Hari said grateful that her husband is not together with them.

"Btw, have you met him in person before?".

Hari asked since they are talking about the person Hinata is liking.

"I have. Maybe twice now".

Hiyori said while the others looked shocked since they either met him only once or none.

"How was he? Did he get together with someone else now?".

Hari asked, looking at Akari and the others.

"I don't know much but he always looks salty like the french fry at the MacD. Hahahaha".

Akari tells the fact that is known to everyone but well of course except Hari who just knows the person.

"But even with his sour attitude he is still kind and a gentleman. He is smart but he always looks tired. I think it may be because of his study".

Akari continues to provide information but before she could continue, Hiyori starts to speak.

"And as for your second question, he is not in a relationship even though he is kind of popular at the college".

Without leaving behind the story, Hikari now tells what she knows.

"Kozume said that he is waiting for Sho-chan to come back to his side. I was so sad when I first listened to their story".

Tsukihina AU ~Got together again~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant