8. Moonlight

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senirasushipping — just because


I couldn't face Volkner after that. There was no way. So I did what any girl in my position would do. I turned on my heel and booked it down the nearest side street.

I know. I know. Not my most mature moment. But I panicked, okay?

I have no idea what I'm going to do next. I have no idea where I'm going. There's that Ferris wheel, taunting me from above as I collapse onto a bench. How did my daydreams get so far away? How did it all fall apart?

I bury my head in my hands, blocking it from my view. Stupid Ferris wheel. I hope it goes down for maintenance.

"Candice? Are you all right?"

I look up, and suddenly wish I'd run out of town. It's not Volkner. It's not even my friends.

It's Elesa, towering over me in all her couture-clad glory. I hate Nimbasa. We should've gone to Undella instead.

"Fine!" I force a smile. I won't give her the satisfaction. "What are you doing here?"

"Leaving the gym."

Right. It's next to the Ferris wheel. How could I forget?

"Shouldn't you be at a musical?" Elesa checks her custom Xtransceiver phone—as if I'd expect anything less—and frowns. "At least, that's what Volkner said when he called off our battle."

What musical, I want to say. But I can't. That's on a whole other level.

Could I really get away with it? Am I about to sink so low? Does it matter, if I'm never going to see her again?

"Oh?" I cross my fingers behind my back. "I guess Volkner lied." And I wait for that perfect face to fall.

It doesn't. And up close, it's not so perfect.

Well, she's Elesa. It's pretty well perfect. Only her mascara's smudged at the corner, like she's been training all day—and the day's just begun. Does she always hit the gym on the weekends? Is that how it is, with a schedule like hers?

Not only that. Her expression's making me nervous.

"Why would he?" It's more of a challenge than a question. "It was his idea."

Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

No. I know I shouldn't have said that. It's exactly what I've been doing all along. And look where it's gotten me.

"He didn't." I take a deep breath. "I lied. The truth is, Elesa... I owe you an apology."


So I told her the whole story. How I fell for Volkner that fateful day long ago. How I've been trying to capture his attention ever since. How this retreat was the opportunity I'd been waiting for. How I'd fantasized about that Ferris wheel moment. And how he walked right past it and into her gym.

How I'd never seen Volkner so impressed. How I refused to let him go without a fight. How I brought all the leaders to football, which I had to pretend to like. And then to that musical, which we got kicked out of. By the time I finished, Elesa was laughing so hard she said her sides hurt.

But not in a mean way or anything.

"Well, you can stop sabotaging our battle," she tells me, once she's regained her composure. "I'm not after Volkner."

"You're not?"

Elesa leans in like we're sharing secrets between friends. "I can't say I didn't think about it. But I gave up on him before long."

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