Chapter 27

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"Let's get this over with, Rider."

Louis looked over at them from where he was staring out his cell window. "Where're we going?"

The guard gave him a look, and Louis's eyes widened, his hand going to his throat. "Oh..."

His execution.

They shackled his wrists, and led him down the hallway. He yet again kept his head down, before a glint of something caught his eye.

A tiny ceramic unicorn.

Could it be...?

The door leading out of the hallway slammed shut. One by one, all the doors shut, trapping them inside.

"What is this...?" one of the guards muttered. He moved forward, banging on the door. "Open up!"

The slot opened and revealed someone who definitely didn't work there, someone Louis recognized as the drunk man from the Snuggly Duckling. "What's the password?!"



"Open this door!"

"Not even close," he chuckled.

"You have three seconds to open this door! One..."

A hook lowered and snatched one of the guards holding Tommo.


A door opened and someone grabbed the other guard, knocking his helmet off.


The helmet clattered to the floor, distracting the first guard. He turned to find Louis standing alone, still shackled.

Louis grinned at him. "Hi."


The door finally opened, and Liam came up behind him, smacking him on the back of the head with a frying pan, knocking him out.

Louis laughed. "Frying pans! Who knew, right?"

The door at the end of the hallway was banged on a few times, before it splintered and burst open, more guards rushing into the room. Louis yelped and was dragged down the hallway, the Snuggly Duckling patrons scattering. Liam hid behind a corner of a hallway with Louis, unlocking his shackles.

The guards raced after them, before skidding to a stop. Ed was standing in front of them, fully dressed as a mime and pretending there was an invisible wall stopping him and them from passing.

He suddenly silently gasped, looking down the hallway next to them. The guards looked too and shrieked.

Zayn was running at them at full speed, hollering before he bowled them over.

The stall was what the rest of them needed, Louis racing into the courtyard.

More guards were pouring in, determined to get Louis.

The aspiring pianist grabbed him and set him down on the edge of a plank. "Head down."

Louis hunched. "Head down."

"Arms in."

"Arms in."

"Knees apart."

"Knees apart- knees apart? Why do I need my knees apa-"

Zayn whooped again, having raced up to the roof, and now leaping off to the plank, launching Louis into the air.

Louis screamed, flying over the wall. Despite his terror, he managed to keep his position as he flew through the air-

Directly onto Maximus' back. Louis winced, before looking down on where he'd landed.


The horse nickered.

"You called them here?"

He huffed, nodding.

"Thank you..."

The horse nickered again, gesturing for them to go. Louis nodded.

"Yeah. Let's go get Harry."

Maximus spurred into action, galloping along the wall as the guards started to swarm. He was heading towards the edge, showing no plan to turn or stop.


He kept going.

"Max, we can't jump off a building-" Louis cut himself off with his own scream of fear. Maximus caught himself on a house roof, leaping off onto the square and riding off towards the woods.

"You're the craziest horse..." Louis mumbled, still scared.

Maximus whinnied, going even faster as they got into the woods

It's LouLou's b'day which means I'll update more <3

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