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Hey, all! By now, I'm sure you all know that this is yet another version of The Fairy Hero. And you might all be wondering, 'But Koi, didn't you already write the original AND make a rewrite which was caught up to the anime at the time?? Why are you writing another one 🤨?'

Well yes, it's true that I did write both of those. However the original was not anywhere near my liking, so I decided to make a rewrite. It also wasn't that far along, so it was easer to discontinue it while it was still in its early stages. And while the rewrite was going much better, I still fucked up with plot holes, anticlimactic fights, and the mc just didn't feel all that. . .Fairy Tail-like. Sure, in some ways she was, but not in the 'main character that can and will make you cry/turn good with their inspirational speeches and unwavering determination/overwhelming power of friendship' ya know?

I was also kind of behind on bnha and the 100 years quest near the end of it, which didn't help my already rapidly depleting motivation and declining mental health.

But just recently I've had a stroke of creativity and motivation to do another version! And thus The Fairy Hero [V2] was born 😌✨

And just to let you all know, I will be pretty much copying the chapters from the rewrite and editing them. THERE WILL STILL BE A LOT OF CHANGES MADE HOWEVER. I've already written the first five chapters and compared to the rewrite there are some pretty big changes. Although I would love to write this story from scratch (not entirely plot wise, meaning actually rewatching the episodes and writing the chapters as I watch), I just don't have the time or patience for that, so I hope you can all understand.

Grammatical/spelling errors aside, I really think that this is the best version yet, and I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it ☺️. There will be plenty of funny, exciting, and heartfelt moments along the way, so please feel free to leave your reactions as well as any constructive criticism! I love reading all of your comments, and those that point out errors are a HUGE help to me.

To my next point, I just want all of you dear readers to know, this is a safe and friendly environment, and any hatred towards one another will not be tolerated. All of your opinions and feelings are valid, but if posting them here hurts other people, please refrain from doing so.

This is unrelated to the story, but if any of you are struggling with life, or anything really, feel free to dm me about it. Even if you just want to be friends or talk! I know what it's like to struggle with life, especially when you have things like depression/anxiety/toxic relationships. I want you all to know that you're never alone, and even if you feel like you are alone, just know, I'm always here for you. And if not me, I promise, there's always at least one person who does support and love you, even if you may not realize it quite yet.

And finally, I really love to help others improve. I'm still a pretty small author on this platform, but I still have a small following. That being said, if any of you are interested or passionate about writing but want someone to review/critique your work, or are anxious about posting it, you can always come to me! I've always loved to write, and have taken a bunch of classes on it, and even though I may not be a professional, I still want to help. It's also a lot of fun interacting with fellow writers, since none of my friends write like me, so I don't really get to talk about it with them.

Anyways, that's about all I wanted to say for now, and I'm sure you all want to get into the story. There are also probably a good chunk of you who skipped this whole chapter lol. So to those of you who read all the way through, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It really means a lot to me.

And without further ado, I present to you: The Fairy Hero [V2]!

The Fairy Hero [V2]Where stories live. Discover now