Queen Calissa and Princess Merliah arrives

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Una was swimming to see Sofia. Until she bumped into someone.

(Una) Sorry I bumped into you.

(Callissa) It's okay. Where are you rushing off to?

(Una) To see my friend Princess Sofia. Her magic cristal necklace can turn her into a mermaid.

(Sven) Who are you too? I've never seen you in the Cove before.

(Callissa) Hi I'm Queen Calissa of Oceania and this is my daughter Princess Merliah of Oceania.

(Una) Hi I'm Princess Una of Meraway Cove and this is my friend Sven.

(Sven) Your majesties.

(Una) Let's get you to the castle.

Una's fin got tangled in a net. Sofia saw Una tangled in the net.

(Sofia) Una, are you okay?

(Una) Sofia, I'm glad your back. I'm just tangled. Can you help me?

(Sofia) Of course.

Sofia freed Una.

(Una) Thanks Sofia.

They hugged each other.

(Sofia) Your Welcome Una.

Una tried to swim.

(Una) Ow I can't swim. I must have hurt my fin in the net.

(Sofia) I will help you get home.

(Una) Thanks Sofia. Sofia this is Queen Calissa of Oceania and Princess Merliah of Oceania.

(Merliah) So your a human that has a magical necklace?

(Sofia) Hi your majesties. I am Princess Sofia of Enchania. Yes I do have a magical necklace it turns me into anything. That's how I became a protector.

(Callissa) Una, are you okay?

(Una) I hurt my fin in the net

(Callissa) Are you okay?

(Una) I should be alright til we make it to the castle.

(Calissa) Okay. I really need to see Queen Emiline. Where is the castle?

(Sofia) We can take you there.

Una made it to the shipwreck.

(Merliah) Is this where you live Una?

(Una) No this is my hid out.

(Cora) Una! Una where are you?

(Una) Hi Cora.

(Sven) Una hurt her fin!

(Cora) Sven relax. Let's have a look. It just needs a little moon kelp.

(Sven) I'll get it.

(Cora) Who are you too.

(Callissa) Hi I'm Queen Calissa of Oceania and this is my daughter Princess Merliah.

(Cora) Your majesties. I'm Princess Cora of Meraway Cove.

Sven returned.

(Cora) I'll take that.

(Una) I can do it myself Cora.

(Cora) It has to be put on just right. There how does that feel?

(Una) Good.

(Cora) You need to be more careful Una.

(Una) I am careful and what are you doing here?

(Cora) Mom wanted me to check on you.

(Una) I'm fine Cora.

(Cora) Just checking.

Cora swam away.

(Una) Cora still treats me like I am a little merbaby.

(Sven) That's what big sister's do I have twelve.

Sofia The First and Barbie in a Mermaid Tale Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora