At the Castle

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(Callissa) This castle is so beautiful.

(Una) This is my mom Queen Emiline.

(Callissa) Your majesty. I am Queen Calissa of Oceania and this is my daughter Princess Merliah of Oceania.

(Emiline) Welcome to Meraway Cove.

Another ship came into the Cove.

(Emiline) Another human vessel is in the Cove.

(Una) It's not like humans are dangerous. Sofia's family wasn't dangerous.

(Plank) Yes they are. It took us a while to gain her trust.

(Merliah) No there not.

(Plank) How do you know that.

(Merliah) Because I am half human.

(Plank) What?

(Merliah) I wish to be human.

Merliah turned herself back into a human.

(Una) How did you do that?

(Merliah) My father was a human and my mom is a mermaid.

(Callissa) Merliah you were supposed to stay a mermaid.

(Merliah) But mom I shouldn't be hiding who I really am. I wish to be a mermaid.

Merliah turned back into a mermaid and swam away.

(Callissa) Merliah come back.

Sofia The First and Barbie in a Mermaid Tale Where stories live. Discover now