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HARRY STYLES:You flinched as you accidentally bit down on your bottom lip which was slightly swollen. You felt hideous and you had no doubt in your mind that you looked it too, it was just a few things your boyfriend always made sure to make you feel. You tore your gaze away from your wrists which were bruised up, you couldn't even wear bracelets to cover them up because it hurt too much. Your head snapped toward the direction of the knocking that was coming from the front door. You knew it wasn't your boyfriend because he didn't knock, it was more of a banging. Confused as to who it could be you walked over to the door and opened the door. Your heart almost fell to the pit of your stomach when you saw your best friend standing there. His ear to ear smile dropped as soon as he saw your face. It was as if your whole world had stopped in that one moment, you never ever wanted Harry to see you like this. "H-Harry? I thought you were on tour, I- you said you wouldn't be back for a few more weeks," You nervously told him as you turned your back to him. "I wanted to surprise you [Y/N], hey come over here. What happened to you?" He asked as he shut the door behind him and followed you in. "It's nothing, I- I got into a fight with some chav girl, that's all," You quickly made up as you made your way into your bedroom. Harry gripped your shoulder softly and made you face him, he scanned your face and then stared into your eyes "Leave him, leave him now and he won't ever touch you again, I promise you [Y/N]. Just leave him and I'll be here for you always, I fucking promise you that,' Harry said as his eyes started to water. Your own tears started streaming down your face as Harry gently brought you into him and held you.

LIAM PAYNE:"[Y/N] I don't understand why we can't meet up, I've been back from tour for two weeks already and I haven't see you," Liam said into the phone. Your bottom lip quivered, you can tell it was upsetting your best friend Liam that every time he asked you to meet up you would decline, it has been already seven times. "I'm just busy Liam, I'm sorry... I really am," You spoke gently into the receiver hoping your voice wouldn't crack. It was killing you inside to deny him like that but you couldn't possibly be seen with the current state you were in, especially since he had a lot of media attention. It was silent for a few seconds "Do you want to not see me anymore?" He asked almost in a whisper. Your chest tightened, it literally felt as if your heart was being torn into two. "Of course not, tha-," Your front door flew open and you instantly knew it was your boyfriend arriving. "I gotta go Liam," Before he had a chance to say goodbye you hung up the phone hurriedly. "Who was that?" Your boyfriend asked calmly as he stepped into the kitchen, you laughed nervously "Just my mum," You lied as your hands fidgeted, before you had a chance to react your boyfriend snatched the phone away from your hands and invaded your privacy within it. "What have I told you about speaking to that guy? I said not too didn't I? But you don't ever fucking listen do you?" You started to grow nervous as he knitted his eyebrows together in anger and started taking steps toward you. "I-I'm sorry, I was j-just telling him-" You whimpered when he grabbed you harshly and raised his other arm. "Let her go," You heard from behind your boyfriend. It was Liam, a wave of relief washed over you "Or what?" Your boyfriend challenged. You gasped lightly as Liam punched him in the nose, "The cops are on their way [Y/N], he isn't going to hurt you any longer," Liam said sadly as he kissed your forehead and kept an eye on your ex-boyfriend.

LOUIS TOMLINSON:You kept swallowing back the lump that had formed in your throat, you didn't want to cry anymore. You were sick and tired of crying, it didn't get you nowhere only here in this hospital bed. You weren't sure how you got here but you can only guess that your boyfriend went to far this time. You sighed as the memory of him kicking you in the stomach replayed in your mind vividly, you winced as you ignored the pain you felt all over. Your eyes dully scanned the white hospital room until your eyes landed on the white little board on the wall 'Your Nurse Today Is: Johanna Tomlinson' it said. Your hands started shaking as a wave of nervousness washed over you, it only meant one thing. Louis knew, he knew and you were worried what he thought. He probably thought you were pathetic, weak, useless, or just plain stupid and if he did he was most likely right anyways. The door slowly opened as Louis walked in with a cup of what can only be coffee in his hand. You faced away from him and blinked back the tears that were on the verge of spilling. You felt the bed sink in a bit next to you and two arms slowly engulf you against their body. By now tears were streaming your face as Louis buried his face in your hair "When I saw you on the floor of your flat I thought I had lost you, and all I kept thinking was, No, I couldn't lose someone so important to me," He spoke steadily. You let out a sob as you buried your face into his chest. "[Y/N], he or no one is ever going to hurt you again, babe. I promise you that," Louis said as he wiped your tears away.

NIALL HORAN:Silent tears rolled down your face as your head gently laid against Nialls pillow, he was slowly strumming his guitar playing you a soft melody, trying his best to calm you down and keep you at peace. You had arrived at his flat drenched in rain water with a bloody nose and black eye. You had literally ran blocks and blocks while it poured outside, you were sick and tired of being treated like a dog by your boyfriend, or should I said ex-boyfriend. You had nowhere to go, the only person you had at the moment was your best friend. So as soon as Niall opened his front door you collapsed into his arms, he did everything in his power to clean you up, calm you down and comfort you. He had offered you food, but you had no stomach to eat at the moment. "I've finally had enough..." He gently sang as he finished the song he was singing, you sniffled buried your face into his pillow, which calmed you down more since it smelled like him. Niall placed his guitar down and laid next to you on his side, gently he ran his fingers through your hair which slowly ceased your silent crying. Once your chest stopped heaving from sobs you faced him. He watched you for a moment then kissed your nose "Your going to be safe from now on love, I swear to me mother you will be," He said as he continued to run his fingers through your hair "Niall, thank you for being so perfect," You told him as he smiled softly "Naw, love, thank you for even being in my life," He replied.

ZAYN MALIK:"Stop it, STOP!" You shouted as you watched your best friend Zayn and your boyfriend fight in the middle of your living room. You didn't want Zayn to get hurt, especially not because of you. It wasn't that he couldn't fight, but it was just so overwhelming that it sent you to hysterics. "Get off of him, STOP!" You shouted as you went up behind your boyfriend and tried to pull him away from Zayn. "Shut up and stay out of this you bitch," Your boyfriend shouted as he roughly pushed you back. You stumbled back and knocked your head against the book case you had, another wound to add to the collection he has given you. Your boyfriends action caused Zayn to grow even more furious, soon Zayn had your boyfriend pinned down while giving him blows to the face with his fist. "Don't you ever touch her again, you hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME?! Don't touch her, don't call her, just get out of her fucking life," Zayn said in a threatening tone to your now ex-boyfriend. You sobbed as you walked to Zayn "Stop," You whimpered. Zayn lowered his fists and got off the floor. He ran a shaky hand through his hair and faced you "The cops are almost here," You said meekly looking at the floor. "You okay, love?" Zayn asked in a caring tone as he cupped your face in his hands, you nodded. "Your bleeding," You said as you wiped away the small trail of blood from his eyebrow.

**NOTE:Listen, spouse abuse is very serious. If you or someone you know is in a abusive relationship do not, I beg you do not sit around and let it happen. Fight back and protect yourself from them, leave them and call the cops. No one in the world deserves to be treated like dirt, don't let them bring you down.

-Muskaan xx

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