He Forgets

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Harry: You woke up next to Harry shoving his leg into some jeans that were a bit too tight. He tossed his hair to the side, shooting you a smile, "Morning, babe! I've got to go to rehearsals, no problem, yeah?" You smiled, "No problem at all", you giggled. Harry was probably going to get your cake or setup for your surprise party right? Not quite. Harry didn't come back home, utterly drunk at that, until you were about to walk out the door with your friends that managed to remember your birthday. "Looooooove, where are you off to? You look sexy", his lips went for your neck but you turned away. "I'm off to the club with my friends. For my birthday party. It's my birthday, Harry." He smirked, "Baby come back to bed with me, I remembered baby, I did. You wanna know your present? c'mere", you rolled your eyes as he began to whisper in your ear, "Your gift is me! Shhh, don't tell anyone though, you have to unwrap me,", he winked and you scoffed. You walked out of the door, irritated, but you weren't going to let Harry ruin your night.

Zayn: He forgot. You'd been dating Zayn for 2 years and he forgot your fucking birthday. You were already pissed off, but when he called and asked if he could go out with the boys that night you lost it. "Are you kidding me? It's my birthday, Zayn! I've been dating you for over 2 years and you can't even remember my birthday? I was there at your party and I gave you a gift and fucking birthday sex and I remembered! Relationships are give and take, Zayn, but all you do is take. You couldn't even think about me for once, not even for my birthday." Zayn roared through the phone, "How dare you say all I do is take. I do so much for you. Forbid I forget your birthday one fucking time, I'm human [Y/N], I forget things!" "Wow, Zayn. You still haven't even said Happy birthday.", you laughed bitterly and hung up the phone. He was not going to ruin your day. You were going out to celebrate with friends tonight, you could deal with your asshole boyfriend in the morning.

Niall: Could a 19 year old boy be this clueless? You've been receiving letters, cards, phone calls, and birthday tweets all day. It seemed like everyone remembered your birthday other than the one that mattered the most, Niall. It was about 15:00 (3 p.m) when Niall had the nerve to ask you what was wrong. "What's wrong? You forgot my birthday!" His eyes widened as his hand shot straight to his mouth. "Babe, I am so, so, so, so, so, sorry! I'm such an ass. I'm an idiot too. I'll make it up to you, I promise, it's still early. How about we go shopping, yeah? You can buy a new outfit for dinner tonight, alright babe?" You saw his pleading eyes, how disappointed in himself he looked, and you caved. How could you stay mad at him? "It's fine Niall, just... never again?" "Never, love.", with that he placed an innocent kiss on your lips that turned very heated very fast. "Mmm [Y/N], save that for later. I've got another birthday present up my sleeve for you tonight", he winked.

Louis: "What'd you get [Y/N] for her birthday?" "Her birthday isn't for another month mate, why are you asking me now?" "Her birthday is today..." Liam countered. "No it's not...." "Yeah it is, Lou." Danielle confiremed. "Shit! I haven't a cake, or a gift, or a party, or anything! I'm a dick. This morning I didn't tell her Happy Birthday! You've got to be joking. Today can't be her birthday!" Lou ranted. At home you were pretty upset that he'd forgot, but you didn't want it to kill your entire mood. You'd been out all day with friends, so when you walked into your flat with candles everywhere, a nice dinner made, and Louis in a tux with flowers, you were more than surprised. "Happy Birthday, [Y/N], I love you!" You shook your head and kissed him, "Thanks so much, babe. I love it and I love you." Lou smiled and gestured for you to take a seat. After dinner, he gave you an infinity ring.

Liam: You were on the couch cuddling with Liam, trying your best to hide the devestation that he forgot your birthday. The doorbell rang and Liam opened the door, standing confused infront of Eleanor, Perrie, and the boys. "What's all this for?" He questioned, pointing to the balloons and the cake. "Happy Birthday, [Y/n].." He read out loud, "Shit!" He shoved everyone out and closed the door behind him. "Forgot, mate?', Louis asked and Liam nodded vigorously, guilt washing over his face. "Have the cake," Eleanor suggested, "And the balloons.". Perrie added. Liam smiled thankfully. "Knowing, [Y/N],", Harry sighed, "I don't think she'll mind. She won't freak because you didn't buy her a million dollar necklace or anything." "I know, but I may just end up buying her one anyways. She deserves it." Liam gave you the cake and balloons and you ended up having a great birthday

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