One Of Your Family Members Dies And You Shut Down

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Niall: "y

.....please just talk to me?",he pleaded as he looked at me worriedly. "y

what happened!",he said, his blue eyes concerned. "my-m....he..I, my granddad....he...he's gone.",I whispered as tears stung my eyes but none fell, pain striked my heart but I felt numb. He sat next to me, pulling my head to his chest as he hugged m...e close. "Ill get you through this.",he whispered. "I promise.",he said softly, kissing the top of my head.

Liam: "Its been a couple of months now y

.",he said gently. I stayed quiet as I stared out of the window, looking at the rain drops trace their way down the window. "y

? Please talk to me? Or eat something?",he said anxiously. Yet again, I stayed silent. A moment later I heard him leave and return again. He sat sighing next to me, with a plate in his hand, which had speggeti in it. He put in the fork, twisting it in , lifting it up near my mouth as I ate quietly.

Louis: I stared at the wall blankly. I wasn't angry or sad or anything really. Infact I felt nothing, and I barely talked to anyone, ever since my brother passed away. But everyday Louis would come sit with me, and read me a page out of my favorite book, and give me food. He'd sit with me, while he held a guitar as he sang songs to me. He'd talk to me animatedly about school and life and try to entertain me. Ill always be greatful to him.

Harry: Dear Diary, I feel so lost and hurt and broken. Ever since mums left the world I feel like a part of me has gone. I hate talking to people now. But this one guy talks to me a lot. I don't talk or say much now but he says he loves me. He sits and puts on movies and bakes stuff and dances to songs. He tries very hard to cheer me up. His name's Harry. I like him.

Zayn: y

was now so lost , and so fragile. I didn't know what to do. I tried over and over, but she's shut me out. I can't reach her anymore. I miss the old y

and I won't stop till I find her. I won't stop helping her find that radiant smile of hers.








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