First time with them

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- we all know how it went down
(regardless, he is still super cute and caring <3)

- big ol softie and super caring (he knows he's big down there...)
- worships every part of your body and reassures you
- knows how to make you moa-....
- aftercare is ✨

- will tease you but in a kind way
- kind of scared of hurting you, even though he doesn't show it
- once your'e comfortable, he will go faster
-  secretly proud that he was your first one

- serious AF
- he goes out of his way (dinner date, gifts, hot name it)
- knows all the rights to spot~
- you won't be finished after that first round...

- gives zero fucks but is still kind
- expect some virgin jokes
- surprisingly he is very good at aftercare
- you won't be able to walk after it...

- he is too precious for this world
- his heart literally skipped a beat when you confessed
- is this real or.... he will take you to other places.... gurllll

- gets even more excited
- jackhammers the shIt out of you
- good luck surviving
- what is aftercare?

- *devilish grin has entered the chat
- be ready to hear a full essay on how a orgasm feels/functions etc.
- super sweet about it
- makes sure your'e fully enjoying the moment

- *surprised pikachu face
- he is all over your bodyyyy aweeee
- this moment is about you
- chuckles (your'e just too cute for him)

- he himself is a virgin so let's goo
- the sweetest out of them all, he is really scared but excited
- it will be a bit clumsy (he tries his best...he's just happy being with you)
- "y/n you want to do it again?"

Baki the grappler - boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now