Catchup: Kosho Shinogi

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How you meet:
💞 You walked down the street when you suddenly bumped into something
💞 A strong hand picked you up and asked if you were okay
💞 You then looked up, just to see a handsome man in a darkviolet training suit
💞 It was love on the first sight and he then asked again if you were busy

First Date:
💞 Loves to hold your hands and won't hesitate to compliment you
💞Is kinda shy when it comes to smalltalk, but you always find a topic to talk about
💞He will propose to you on the first date
💞 "Where you go i will go to", is his phrase when choosing a date location

When they ask you out/propose:
💞: I know this sounds crazy but would you marry me? I was scared that you pick my brother instead of (y/n) would you be my wife/girlfriend?

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