If they were idols (AU)

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- The main vocalist
- Would show off his abs just to make the fangirls scream
- He can dance pretty well
- The face of the group

- Gets a lot of gifts and the most attention at fan meetings
- He would be the shy/intelligent one
- He is a master at solos
- Can sing high notes better than the other members
- Fan favorite

- Playboy image like baki
- Likes to flirt at fan meetings
- Can rap like a pro, but bad at regular singing
- He loves to perform without a shirt :)

- A little bit edgy but super friendly
- Raps aswell
- The fans love him for his talent at writing and singing
- The most respectful one when it comes to fan meetings
- Will help a fan if they get hurt

- There are tons of memes for him
- It started when he spoke russian once and laughed afterwards like a psycho
- The funny one
- Cracks atleast one joke in a interview
- An amazing dancer
- Loves to do the adlips for the songs

- He made his fans cry for singing once in chinese
- The most interactive one
- Would go live 2 times a week
- Tries to have intresting chats with his fans
- The mother of the group
- A very good singer

- The manager
- Even though he's just the manager, he still has fans
- There is a whole tumblr community just dedicated to him
- Actually enjoys the fact that he has fans
- Strict but caring somehow

- The gamer
- He loves streaming LOL, ACNH and other games while chatting with his fans
- Makes tutorials on how to care for curly hair
- Cares the most about his looks
- Hugs literally every fan at meetings

-Definetly on Hair Tiktok
- The handsome one
- Always dressed like a gucci model
- Sings the solos
- His voice is smooth as butter
- Also flirts with the fans

- The fans love the fact that he is the younger brother
- "smol bean kosho" or "uwu kosho" trended on twitter, because there was a video of him crying while hugging a rilakkuma pillow
- Sings like an angel
- Makes cutes poses with his fans

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